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ATOMS : Sudoku details
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Solve sudoku puzzles
(2376 downloads for this version - 10288 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 0.1.1
Michael Baudin
Owner Organization
Michael BAUDIN
Creation Date
August 11, 2011
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.2.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("sudoku")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide algorithms to solve sudoku puzzles.

We provide algorithms to solve sudokus:

* solving Sudoku Using Recursive Backtracking.
* solving sudoku with a combination of necessary entries, single candidates and
recursive guesses.

We provide 2 specific algorithms to fill a sudoku:

* fill it by necessary entries,
* fill single candidates.

We provide 3 algorithms to generate sudokus.
The toolbox allows to randomly permute the rows of a sudoku or 
to order it into a canonical form.
We provide an algorithm to fill a random sudoku and to delete random 
entries inside it.
We can see if a sudoku is solved and compute candidates for 
each entry.


 * sudoku_candidatefind — Find a candidate in the sudoku.
 * sudoku_candidateprint — Find and print a candidate in the sudoku.
 * sudoku_candidateremove — Remove a candidate.
 * sudoku_candidates — Returns candidates for a sudoku X.
 * sudoku_candidatescell — Returns candidates for a cell in a sudoku.
 * sudoku_candidatesmerge — Merge candidates in the row, column or block.
 * sudoku_cellcandidates — Returns candidates for a cell in a sudoku.
 * sudoku_confirmcell — Confirm the value of a cell.
 * sudoku_findhiddensubset — Find naked subsets of given length.
 * sudoku_findlocked — Search for locked candidates.
 * sudoku_findnakedsubset — Find naked subsets of given length.
 * sudoku_findtwocolors — Search for pairs.
 * sudoku_findxcycle — Search for pairs.
 * sudoku_findxwing — Find X-Wings.
 * sudoku_iscandsingle — See if a candidate is single.
 * sudoku_islatin — Check if a matrix is a Latin Square.
 * sudoku_issolved — See if the sudoku is solved.
 * sudoku_locatenakedsubset — Find naked subsets of given length and returns
the associated rows and columns.
 * sudoku_visiblefrom — Compute the cells visible from cell a.
 * sudoku_visiblefrom2 — Compute the cells visible from both cell a and b.

 * sudoku_create — Generate a puzzle and its solution.
 * sudoku_delrandom — Deletes entries at random in a sudoku.
 * sudoku_fillrandom — Generate a random sudoku.
 * sudoku_generate — Generate a puzzle and its solution.
 * sudoku_generate2 — Generate a puzzle and its solution.
 * sudoku_generate3 — Generate a puzzle and its solution.
 * sudoku_rootsolution — Returns the root solution.

 * sudoku_print — Print a sudoku.
 * sudoku_readgivens — Read a sudoku from a string of 81 givens.
 * sudoku_readsdk — Read a sudoku in a .sdk file.
 * sudoku_readsdm — Read a sudoku in a .sdm file.
 * sudoku_readsdmnb — Returns the number of sudoku in a .sdm file.
 * sudoku_readss — Read a sudoku in a .ss file.
 * sudoku_writegivens — Returns the given sudoku as a string of 81 givens.
 * sudoku_writesdk — Returns the given sudoku as a sdk string.
 * sudoku_writess — Returns the given sudoku as a Simple Sudoku format.

 * sudoku_solve — Solves Sudoku.
 * sudoku_solveai — Solves Sudoku.
 * sudoku_solvebylogic — Solves Sudoku.
 * sudoku_solverecursive — Solves Sudoku using naked singles and recursive
 * sudoku_solvesa — Solves Sudoku.

 * sudoku_latinsquare — Create Latin Squares of order n.
 * sudoku_order — Order a sudoku.
 * sudoku_permute — Permute a sudoku.

 * Stefan Bleeck, 2005
 * Cleve Moler, 2009
 * Michael Baudin, 2010

Files (2)
[427.37 kB]
Source code archive

[812.62 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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