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ATOMS : Image Processing Design Toolbox details
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Image Processing Design Toolbox

This toolbox implements functions for object detection.
(14756 downloads for this version - 305196 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.3 exists: 8.3
Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda
Owner Organization
private individual
Harald Galda
Creation Date
October 6, 2011
Source created on
Scilab 5.3.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.3.x:
Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("IPD")
            IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox Version 8.2
Copyright (c) by Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda, 2009 - 2011.
Conveyed under the conditions of the GNU GPL Version 3 or later.

This toolbox provides functions for designing and parameterizing image
processing algorithms. The following functionality is provided:

1. Histogram calculation
   - gray level histogram
   - cumulated histogram

2. Thresholding
   - segmentation by threshold
   - threshold calculation by Otsu method

3. Morphological filters
   - dilation
   - erosion
   - closing
   - opening
   - top hat
   - bottom hat

4. Median filter

5. Filtering for edge detection
    - Sobel filter
    - Laplace filter
    - Prewitt filter
    - Scharr filter

6. Region based segmentation
   - distance transform
   - watershed transform

7. Blob analysis
   - searching connected regions in binary images
   - removing blobs that have less pixels than a lower bound or more pixels
     than an upper bound
   - calculating specific properties of blobs such as bounding box, centroid
   - drawing bounding boxes around objects found in an image
   - calculating histogram of blob sizes
   - calculating cumulated histogram of blob sizes

8. Displaying images in figure windows
   - display
   - conversion of RGB to indexed images
   - conversion of indexed images to RGB 

9. Conversion between color images and gray level images
   - RGB    to  gray level
   - RGB    to  L*a*b* 
   - L*a*b* to  RGB 

10. Opening image and video files
   - reading image files
   - writing image files
   - reading video files

11. Linear filteration

12. Variance filter

13. Texture feature calculation
   - Laws texture energy
   - discrete Wavelet frames

14. Template Matching

15. Interactive Image Analysis GUI

Differences between versions 8.2 and 8.1:

- Errors in online help examples are corrected.
- Filter implementation is modified.

This version uses OpenCV 2.1 which is available for download at

If you intend to work with the file red-car-video.avi, please install the XVid
codec which is available for download at
Files (10)
[2.18 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Beschreibung auf Deutsch -- Description in German
[10.72 MB]
Source code archive
Sources of IPD-8.2
[15.84 MB]
Package for 32 bit Windows created by the author of the toolbox
[13.64 MB]
Package for 64 bit Windows created by the author of this toolbox
[12.75 MB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Windows 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[13.56 MB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.3.x
Windows 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[2.09 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Description in English
[3.23 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Nihongo no setsumei -- Description in Japanese
[1.97 kB]
Miscellaneous file
This archive contains a unit test.
[3.85 MB]
Miscellaneous file
A simple introduction to image processing.
News (19)
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