Metanet is a toolbox of Scilab for graphs and networks computations.
A number of algorithms solving classical graph problems and minimal cost flow
network are provided.
The following is a list of functions in this module.
* add_edge : adds an edge or an arc between two nodes
* add_edge_data : associates new data fields to the edges data structure of a
* add_node : adds disconnected nodes to a graph
* add_node_data : associates new data fields to the nodes data structure of a
* adj_lists : computes adjacency lists
* arc_graph : graph with nodes corresponding to arcs
* arc_number : number of arcs of a graph
* articul : finds one or more articulation points
* bandwr : bandwidth reduction for a sparse matrix
* best_match : maximum matching of a graph
* chain_struct : chained structure from adjacency lists of a graph
* check_graph : checks a Scilab graph data structure
* circuit : finds a circuit or the rank function in a directed graph
* con_nodes : set of nodes of a connected component
* connex : connected components
* contract_edge : contracts edges between two nodes
* convex_hull : convex hull of a set of points in the plane
* cycle_basis : basis of cycle of a simple undirected graph
* delete_arcs : deletes all the arcs or edges between a set of nodes
* delete_edges : deletes all the arcs or edges between a set of nodes
* delete_nodes : deletes nodes
* edge_number : number of edges of a graph
* edgedatafields : returns the vector of edge data fields names
* edges_data_structure : description of the data structure representing the
edges of a graph
* edit_graph : graph and network graphical editor
* edit_graph_menus : edit_graph menus description
* egraphic_data_structure : data structure representing the graphic properties
used for edges graphical display
* find_path : finds a path between two nodes
* gen_net : interactive or random generation of a network
* girth : girth of a directed graph
* glist : Scilab-4.x graph list creation
* graph-list : description of graph list (obsolete)
* graph_2_mat : node-arc or node-node incidence matrix of a graph
* graph_center : center of a graph
* graph_complement : complement of a graph
* graph_data_structure : description of the main graph data structure
* graph_diameter : diameter of a graph
* graph_power : kth power of a directed 1-graph
* graph_simp : converts a graph to a simple undirected graph
* graph_sum : sum of two graphs
* graph_union : union of two graphs
* hamilton : hamiltonian circuit of a graph
* hilite_edges : highlights a set of edges : unhighlights a set of edges
* hilite_nodes : highlights a set of nodes : unhighlights a set of nodes
* index_from_tail_head : Computes the index of edges given by (tail,head)
* is_connex : connectivity test
* knapsack : solves a 0-1 multiple knapsack problem
* line_graph : graph with nodes corresponding to edges
* load_graph : loads a graph from a file
* make_graph : makes a graph list
* mat_2_graph : graph from node-arc or node-node incidence matrix
* max_cap_path : maximum capacity path
* max_clique : maximum clique of a graph
* max_flow : maximum flow between two nodes
* mesh2d : triangulation of n points in the plane
* metanet_module_path : Returns the path of the metanet module
* min_lcost_cflow : minimum linear cost constrained flow
* min_lcost_flow1 : minimum linear cost flow
* min_lcost_flow2 : minimum linear cost flow
* min_qcost_flow : minimum quadratic cost flow
* min_weight_tree : minimum weight spanning tree
* neighbors : nodes connected to a node
* netclose : closes an edit_graph window
* netwindow : selects the current edit_graph window
* netwindows : gets the numbers of edit_graph windows
* ngraphic_data_structure : data structure representing the graphic properties
used for nodes graphical display
* node_number : number of nodes of a graph
* nodedatafields : returns the vector of node data fields names
* nodes_2_path : path from a set of nodes
* nodes_data_structure : description of the data structure representing the
nodes of a graph
* nodes_degrees : degrees of the nodes of a graph
* path_2_nodes : set of nodes from a path
* perfect_match : min-cost perfect matching
* pipe_network : solves the pipe network problem
* plot_graph : general plot of a graph (obsolete)
* predecessors : tail nodes of incoming arcs of a node
* qassign : solves a quadratic assignment problem
* salesman : solves the travelling salesman problem
* save_graph : saves a graph in a file
* set_nodes_id : displays labels near selected nodes in a graph display.
* shortest_path : shortest path
* show_arcs : highlights a set of arcs
* show_edges : highlights a set of edges
* show_graph : displays a graph
* show_nodes : highlights a set of nodes
* split_edge : splits an edge by inserting a node
* strong_con_nodes : set of nodes of a strong connected component
* strong_connex : strong connected components
* subgraph : subgraph of a graph
* successors : head nodes of outgoing arcs of a node
* supernode : replaces a group of nodes with a single node
* trans_closure : transitive closure
* update_graph : converts an old graph data structure to the current one.
* "METANET : a system for network problems study", Claude Gomez,
Maurice Goursat, 1990
* "Metanet User’s Guide and Tutorial", Claude Gomez, Maurice
Goursat, 1998
* Copyright (c) INRIA - Serge Steer
* Copyright (c) INRIA - Claude Gomez
* Copyright (c) INRIA - Maurice Goursat
* Copyright (c) 2008 - DIGITEO
* Copyright (c) 2010 - DIGITEO - Sylvestre Ledru
* Copyright (c) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan Cornet
* Copyright (c) 2010 - DIGITEO - Allan Simon
* Copyright (c) 2010 - DIGITEO - Bruno Jofret
* Copyright (c) 2010 - DIGITEO - Michael Baudin