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ATOMS : scetoexe details
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Builds an executable script .exe from a Scilab script.sce (Windows only)
(18891 downloads for this version - 32828 downloads for all versions)
Allan Cornet
Owner Organization
Samuel Gougeon
Administrator ATOMS
Creation Date
August 6, 2018
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("scetoexe")
This version does not work with Scilab 6 or higher.
Every contributor is welcome to update/upgrade scetoexe
It is distributed for Scilab ≥ 6 for study and tests.
Contact @
For Scilab 5.5
* This is still a beta version.
* scetoexe() is only for Scilab on Windows.
* scetoexe() needs and uses the devenv .exe compiling utility embedded in Visual
Studio C compiler
* The generated script .exe is NOT a stand-alone. Scilab (and its DLL) needs to
be installed on the computer where the exe is run.

scetoexe -- generates an executable script .exe file from a Scilab script.sce

Main page:

CHANGES 0.1.1 => 0.2
* scetoexe() introduced. It manages all conversion steps all-in-one.
  -- scetoexe_reswarp() is now private in scetoexe_generate.sci
  -- scetoexe_getRootPath(), scetoexe_generate() and scetoexe_buildsln()
     are now utilities (documented in a separate subsection).
* It is now possible to specify the output directory.
* It is now possible to specify the path to the devenv .exe utility.
* A progression bar is now displayed when the compiler is working.
* There is now a single binary for both Windows 32 bits and 64 bits.

* builder.sce can now build for both Scilab 5 and Scilab 6.
* C projects are updated (with VSCommunity 2017)(.vcproj => .vcxproj, etc)
  reswarp .exe is rebuilt for Win32.
* scetoexe.start
  -- now detects if it is run on a non-Windows OS.
  -- is now embedded in a function.
* The help page has now an example.
* Bug fixed:
  -- scetoexe_getRootPath() failed: a "/" was missing.
  -- Other issues with paths fixed.
  -- scetoexe_buildsln(slnFile, isRelease):
     . isRelease is a native function => argin renamed.
     . [output, bOK, exitcode] = dos(cmdline): the output and exitcode
       were not returned to the user level. It is now the case.
  -- The demo did not run. After being fixed, it was completely silent.            
Files (5)
[150.63 kB]
Miscellaneous file
scetoexe() main page
[978.37 kB]
Source code archive

[889.53 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x

[894.21 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[894.21 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

News (0)
Comments (1)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Philipp Mittendorfer -- April 15, 2019, 03:55:17 PM    
thanks for the interesting toolbox ... alas on Scilab 6.0.1 #define DLL_NAME_LIBSCILAB 
"libscilab.dll" in ScilabWrap.cpp does link to a no longer existing DLL
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