This represents a toolbox for artificial neural networks,
based on my developments described in "Matrix ANN" book,
under development, if interested send me an email at
Current feature:s
- Only layered feedforward networks are supported *directly* at the moment
(for others use the "hooks" provided)
- Unlimited number of layers
- Unlimited number of neurons per each layer separately
- User defined activation function (defaults to logistic)
- User defined error function (defaults to SSE)
- Algorithms implemented so far:
* standard (vanilla) with or without bias, on-line or batch
* momentum with or without bias, on-line or batch
* SuperSAB with or without bias, on-line or batch
* Conjugate gradients
* Jacobian computation
* Computation of result of multiplication between "vector" and Hessian
- Some helper functions provided
For full descriptions start with the toplevel "ANN" man page.