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ATOMS : Autoelem Toolbox details
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Autoelem Toolbox

Tools for analysis and control of linear systems (with and without delay), time, frequency analysis.
(12383 downloads for this version - 12383 downloads for all versions)
Lucien Povy
Owner Organization
"private individual"
Lucien Povy
Creation Date
March 7, 2018
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
This toolbox is in the process of being built
            This toolbox provides tools (stability,controls,discretisation,...)
for continuous systems with and/or without delay and for sampled systems. We
give also a book ("sorry" in french) : "Cours d'automatique
illustré avec le logiciel Scilab" in .pdf format, we can give the source
code of this course in .lyx format.
This toolbox gives programs like bodfact.sci : Bode factorisation, dbphifr.sci,
frequency diagrams for frequency analysis.
padedelay.sci, p_marginrd, m_margin, m_marginrd,...for iodelay systems and
algebric programs like mroots.sci, pade.sci...              
Files (2)
[2.40 MB]
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