BTD: Bio-informatics Toolbox from DCB is a toolbox developed by members of
Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, Keralam. Various functions have been developed for
processing Nucleotide and Protein sequences.
Our Project students, Priyadarshini K and Jasmine Russel, and M.Sc students,
Anoop Ambika, Arya S A, Divya D R, Priyanka B R, Sangeetha Jayakumar, Sinumol
George, Sreejith R P and Suresh Kumar, have contributed their academic projects
as functions to the BTD Toolbox.
The set of functions in Bioinformatics toolbox are:
btd_CpG, btd_DNAword, btd_UpA, btd_aa2int, btd_aa2nt, btd_aacount,
btd_aadensity, btd_at2gcratio, btd_atcontent, btd_atomiccomp, btd_atomicweight,
btd_avg_hydrophobicity, btd_basecomp, btd_basecount, btd_cleave, btd_codoncount,
btd_codonusage, btd_dna2rna, btd_entropyamino, btd_entropydna,
btd_ext_coefficients, btd_exterior_volume, btd_gccontent, btd_getembl,
btd_getgenbank, btd_getgenpept, btd_getpdb, btd_getuniprot, btd_int2aa,
btd_interior_volume, btd_isoelectricpoint, btd_kmer, btd_lcdensity,
btd_molarabsortivity, btd_molweight, btd_nt2aa, btd_ntdensity,
btd_packingvolume, btd_proteinradius, btd_psv, btd_purinecomp,
btd_pyrimidinecomp, btd_randntseq, btd_randprotseq, btd_rho, btd_rna2dna,
btd_seqcomplement, btd_seqrcomplement, btd_seqshoworfs, btd_volumeratio