This module allows to create and handle orthogonal polynomials. Bug tracker: CONTENTS -------- Orthogonal Polynomials * ortpol_overview — An overview of the Ortpol toolbox. * ortpol_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of a quadrature from alphas and betas * Chebyshev * chebyshev_eval — Evaluate Chebyshev polynomial * chebyshev_norm — Compute Chebyshev L2 norm * chebyshev_pdf — Chebyshev PDF * chebyshev_poly — Create Chebyshev polynomial * chebyshev_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature * chebyshev_variance — Variance of Chebyshev polynomials * chebyshev_weight — Chebyshev weight function * Hermite * hermite_eval — Evaluate Hermite polynomial * hermite_norm — Compute Hermite L2 norm * hermite_pdf — Gaussian PDF * hermite_poly — Create Hermite polynomial * hermite_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of Gauss-Hermite quadrature * hermite_variance — Variance of Hermite polynomials * hermite_weight — Gaussian weight function * Laguerre * laguerre_eval — Evaluate Laguerre polynomial * laguerre_norm — Compute Laguerre L2 norm * laguerre_pdf — Laguerre PDF * laguerre_poly — Create Laguerre polynomial * laguerre_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of Gauss-Laguerre quadrature * laguerre_variance — Variance of Laguerre polynomials * laguerre_weight — Laguerre weight function * Legendre * legendre_eval — Evaluate Legendre polynomial * legendre_norm — Compute Legendre L2 norm * legendre_pdf — Legendre PDF * legendre_poly — Create Legendre polynomial * legendre_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of Gauss-Legendre quadrature * legendre_variance — Variance of Legendre polynomials * legendre_weight — Legendre weight function
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