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Orthogonal Polynomials

Orthogonal Polynomials (Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, and Legendre)
(356 downloads for this version - 32745 downloads for all versions)
Michael Baudin
Owner Organization
- - -
Michael BAUDIN
Administrator ATOMS
Creation Date
March 22, 2023
Source created on
Scilab 2023.0.x
Binaries available on
The maintainer of this module has not provided binaries.
            This module allows to create and handle orthogonal polynomials.

Bug tracker:

Orthogonal Polynomials

* ortpol_overview — An overview of the Ortpol toolbox.
* ortpol_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of a quadrature
                      from alphas and betas
* Chebyshev
  * chebyshev_eval — Evaluate Chebyshev polynomial
  * chebyshev_norm — Compute Chebyshev L2 norm
  * chebyshev_pdf  — Chebyshev PDF
  * chebyshev_poly — Create Chebyshev polynomial
  * chebyshev_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of
                           Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature
  * chebyshev_variance — Variance of Chebyshev polynomials
  * chebyshev_weight — Chebyshev weight function

* Hermite
  * hermite_eval   — Evaluate Hermite polynomial
  * hermite_norm   — Compute Hermite L2 norm
  * hermite_pdf    — Gaussian PDF
  * hermite_poly   — Create Hermite polynomial
  * hermite_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of
                         Gauss-Hermite quadrature
  * hermite_variance — Variance of Hermite polynomials
  * hermite_weight — Gaussian weight function

* Laguerre
  * laguerre_eval — Evaluate Laguerre polynomial
  * laguerre_norm — Compute Laguerre L2 norm
  * laguerre_pdf  — Laguerre PDF
  * laguerre_poly — Create Laguerre polynomial
  * laguerre_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of
                          Gauss-Laguerre quadrature
  * laguerre_variance — Variance of Laguerre polynomials
  * laguerre_weight — Laguerre weight function

* Legendre
  * legendre_eval — Evaluate Legendre polynomial
  * legendre_norm — Compute Legendre L2 norm
  * legendre_pdf  — Legendre PDF
  * legendre_poly — Create Legendre polynomial
  * legendre_quadrature — Returns nodes and weights of
                          Gauss-Legendre quadrature
  * legendre_variance — Variance of Legendre polynomials
  * legendre_weight — Legendre weight function
Files (1)
[126.22 kB]
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