This toolbox is aimed at piloting the Parrot ARdrone version 1.0 and 2.0 using
Xcos blocks under Linux.
Warning : There is no support for Windows operating system nor Mac OS X
operating system.
Most of the sensors and actuators are managed. Video from the drone is managed
There are complete demonstrations to run in the Xcos demonstration tab.
To build from source, see INSTALL.txt file.
The public api to control the drone from this toolbox are exported in the header
file "include/ardrone_driver.h". This file could be useful in order to
build your own block to access raw video data and do some computation such as
tracking for instance.
This toolbox is a way to show how to connect embedded devices to the open-source
diagram editor Xcos under Linux.
Have fun and explore the possibilities of a public drone coupled with a powerful
open source solver diagram tool such as Xcos!