The goal of this toolbox is to provide a collection of
test matrices.
Some of these matrices appears in specific applied mathematics
For example, the Van Der Monde matrix appears in polynomial interpolation.
Another example is the Hilbert matrix, which arises in the least squares
approximation of arbitrary functions by polynomials.
These test matrices can also be used to experiment with linear algebra
algorithms, such as the resolution of systems of linear equations
or the eigenvalue problem.
For some of these test matrices, the exact eigenvalues, condition number or
is known.
For example, the Hilbert matrix is symetric positive definite.
Another example is Frank's matrix, which has a unit derminant, but
is ill-conditionned.
* gallery : Returns a test matrix
* hadamard : Returns the Hadamard matrix
* magic : Returns the magic matrix
* rosser : Returns the Rosser matrix.
* wilkinson : Returns the Wilkinson + matrix
* makematrix_border : Returns the Border matrix
* makematrix_cauchy : Returns the Cauchy matrix
* makematrix_circul : Returns the circular matrix
* makematrix_diagonali : Returns a matrix of size n with i on the diagonal.
* makematrix_dingdong : Returns the Ding Dong matrix
* makematrix_frank : Returns the Frank matrix
* makematrix_frankmin : Returns the Frank-min matrix
* makematrix_hankel : Returns the Hankel matrix
* makematrix_hilbert : Returns the Hilbert matrix
* makematrix_identity : Returns the Identity matrix
* makematrix_invhilbert : Returns the inverse of the Hilbert matrix
* makematrix_magic : Returns the magic matrix
* makematrix_moler : Returns the Moler matrix
* makematrix_normal : Returns a standard normal random matrix
* makematrix_ones : Returns a matrix of 1 of size n.
* makematrix_pascal : Returns the Pascal matrix
* makematrix_toeplitz : Returns the Toeplitz matrix
* makematrix_urandom : Returns a uniform random matrix
* makematrix_vandermonde : Returns the Vandermonde matrix
* makematrix_wilkinsonm : Returns the Wilkinson - matrix
* makematrix_wilkinsonp : Returns the Wilkinson + matrix
* makematrix_zeros : Returns a matrix of zeros