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ATOMS : Make Matrix details
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Make Matrix

A collection of test matrices.
(2371 downloads for this version - 65527 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 0.5
Michael Baudin
Owner Organization
Consortium Scilab - DIGITEO
Michael BAUDIN
Creation Date
December 15, 2011
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.2.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("makematrix")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide a collection of 
test matrices. 

Some of these matrices appears in specific applied mathematics problems. For
example, the Van Der Monde matrix appears in polynomial interpolation. Another
example is the Hilbert matrix, which arises in the least squares approximation
of arbitrary functions by polynomials.

These test matrices can also be used to experiment with linear algebra
algorithms, such as the resolution of systems of linear equations or the
eigenvalue problem. 

For some of these test matrices, the exact eigenvalues, condition number or
invert is known. For example, the Hilbert matrix is symetric positive definite.
Another example is Frank's matrix, which has a unit derminant, but is


 * makematrix_border : Returns the Border matrix
 * makematrix_cauchy : Returns the Cauchy matrix
 * makematrix_circul : Returns the circular matrix
 * makematrix_diagonali : Returns a diagonal i matrix
 * makematrix_dingdong : Returns the Ding Dong matrix
 * makematrix_frank : Returns the Frank matrix
 * makematrix_frankmin : Returns the Frank-min matrix 
 * makematrix_gallery : Returns a test matrix
 * makematrix_hadamard : Returns the Hadamard matrix
 * makematrix_hankel : Returns the Hankel matrix
 * makematrix_hilbert : Returns the Hilbert matrix
 * makematrix_invhilbert : Returns the inverse of the Hilbert matrix
 * makematrix_magic : Returns the magic matrix
 * makematrix_moler : Returns the Moler matrix
 * makematrix_normal : Returns a standard normal random matrix
 * makematrix_pascal : Returns the Pascal matrix
 * makematrix_rosser : Returns the Rosser matrix
 * makematrix_toeplitz : Returns the Toeplitz matrix
 * makematrix_vandermonde : Returns the Vandermonde matrix
 * makematrix_wilkinsonm : Returns the Wilkinson - matrix
 * makematrix_wilkinsonp : Returns the Wilkinson + matrix


 * Vandermonde : Interpolation
 * Hilbert : Least Squares
 * Backslash Test
Files (2)
[92.08 kB]
Source code archive

[120.76 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (2)     Leave a comment 
Comment -- January 3, 2012, 09:12:56 PM    
This version is correctly packaged.

This test was done with Scilab 5.3.3 on Windows XP 32 bits.

   TMPDIR = C:\DOCUME~1\Root\LOCALS~1\Temp\SCI_TMP_3860_

   001/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] border.................passed 
   002/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] cauchy.................passed 
   003/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] circul.................passed 
   004/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] diagonali..............passed 
   005/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] dingdong...............passed 
   006/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] frank..................passed 
   007/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] frankmin...............passed 
   008/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] gallery................passed 
   009/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] hadamard...............passed 
   010/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] hankel.................passed 
   011/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] hilbert................passed 
   012/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] invhilbert.............passed 
   013/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] moler..................passed 
   014/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] normal.................passed 
   015/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] pascal.................passed 
   016/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] rosser.................passed 
   017/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] toeplitz...............passed 
   018/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] vandermonde............passed 
   019/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] wilkinsonm.............passed 
   020/020 - [SCI\contrib\makematrix\0.4-1] wilkinsonp.............passed 
Comment -- January 20, 2012, 10:25:57 PM    
Here is the changelog of v0.4.

makematrix (0.4)
    * Updated .start script
    * Used assert in the unit tests.
    * Removed makematrix_urandom (duplicate with rand)
    * Removed makematrix_zeros (duplicate with zeros)
    * Removed makematrix_ones (duplicate with ones)
    * Removed magic (duplicate with makematrix_magic)
    * Removed hadamard (duplicate with makematrix_hadamard)
    * Vectorized makematrix_hilbert to increase performances
    * Removed rosser (duplicate with makematrix_rosser)
    * Improved makematrix_pascal based on specfun_pascal
    * Vectorized makematrix_dingdong to increase performances
    * Formatted the comments to generate help from the macros.
    * Reversed columns of makematrix_vandermonde.
To get the old column order, replace

A = makematrix_vandermonde ( x )


A = makematrix_vandermonde ( x );
n = size(A,"c");
A = A(:,n:-1:1);

    * Removed wilkinson (duplicate with makematrix_wilkinsonp)
    * Vectorized makematrix_vandermonde for increased performances.
    * Vectorized makematrix_cauchy for increased performances.
    * Generated help from the sources.
    * Renamed gallery into makematrix_gallery for consistency.
    * Vectorized makematrix_frankmin for increased performances.
    * Created Vandermonde Interpolation demo.
    * Created Hilbert Least Squares demo.
    * Vectorized makematrix_border for increased performances.
    * Vectorized makematrix_moler for increased performances.
    * Used apifun to check arguments.
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