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MicroDAQ Toolbox

Toolbox for MicroDAQ real-time DSP control measurement system
(5159 downloads for this version - 55620 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 1.3.1
Embedded Solutions
Owner Organization
Open source department
Majewski Krzysztof
Creation Date
April 1, 2016
Source created on
Scilab 5.4.x
Binaries available on
The maintainer of this module has not provided binaries.
            MicroDAQ toolbox conbines Scilab/XCos environment with Embedded Solutions
MicroDAQ real-time control measurement system equpted with TI C6000 DSP. Module
extends Scilab by allowing user to automatically generate DSP applications
directly from XCos scheme. User can use custom XCos blocks which gives access to
MicroDAQ hardware (ADC, DAC, DIO, PWM, UART, Quadrature Encoder). Generated DSP
application utilizes SYS/BIOS real-time opearting system combined with code
generated from XCos scheme. MicroDAQ toolbox integrates SMCube functionality
extending its functionallity by code generation of discrete time state machines.

Depending on configuration, DSP application can be generated as a standalone or
Ext application (similar like External Mode in Matlab/Simulink). In standalone
mode generated application contains only real-time task, while in Ext mode code
contains real-time task and low priority task which exchanges data with Scilab
via TCP/IP protocol. Starting and stoping DSP application is integrated with
standard Xcos Start/Stop buttons, module allows using standard sinks blocks to
view live data from application running on DSP processor. Module allows to plot
DSP execution profiles and generate DSP applications in "release" and
"debug" mode. Generated DSP application can be used with Scilab
script. Module provides macros for loading DSP application, reading data from
running application on MicroDAQ device and terminating DSP execution. Attached
example shows how to use generated DSP application to compute FFT from data
acquired from ADC input. MicroDAQ module simplifies development of real-time
control measurements applications, together with MicroDAQ hardware platform
gives "out of the box" exeperience and can be an alternative to
expensive commercial systems.

In order to compile generated C code user needs to install Texas Instruments
Code Composer Studio 5.5 from
After Code Composer installation Scilab MicroDAQ toolbox needs to be configured
with microdaq_setup function. The microdaq_setup wizard will configure Scilab
MicroDAQ toolbox to work with DSP compiler. For more info use toolbox help page
"Toolbox start guide"
Files (3)
[2.20 MB]
Miscellaneous file
MicroDAQ toolbox for Scilab - ScilabTEC2015 slides
[4.82 MB]
Source code archive
CHANGES 1.0 => 1.1.0 
 * Support for Evidence SMCube ( a finite state
    machine modeler and code generator
    SMCube is a tool for modeling, simulation, and code generation of   
    discrete time state machines. Now MicroDAQ toolbox integrates SMCube 
    functionality extending its functionallity by code generation of 
    discrete time state machines. 
 * Time block  
 * WebScope block (beta)
    Allows live data plotting with web browser in Ext and Standalone mode
 * mdaq_hwinfo - get MicroDAQ hardware configuration info
 * mdaq_dsp_build - build DSP binary from provided Xcos model file 
 * mdaq_dsp_terminate - force to terminate DSP execution
 * mdaq_userdisk - open user disk content in web browser
 * Support for different MicroDAQ CPU options 
 * Support for differential mode for ADC01 analog inputs 
 * Warn user when selecting wrong (different then detected) ADC number in ADC
 * Hardware access function can be called with different arguments number
     e.g. function mdaq_led_write
	 mdaq_led_write() - prints usage for function 
	 mdaq_led_write(led, state) - changes LED state without calling 
	 mdaq_led_write(link_id, led, state) - changes LED state with 
         link_id returned by mdaq_open() (for better performance)

 * New demos 
    LabVIEW demo - shows how to integrate DSP application generated with 
    MicroDAQ toolbox in LabVIEW application. 
 * More help 
     Start guide for installation and model creation for code generation
 * Inform when running model in simulation mode
 * Welcome info after toolbox installation
 * Fix continous model code generation
 * Compilation error when user block name too long 
 * DIO config block fix
 * Don't change directory after microdaq_setup returns
 * Standalone model termination issue 
 * Don't change directory when user block add/build called
[517.21 kB]
MicroDAQ Real-Time Control and Measurement Device
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