--> atomsInstall("monte_carlo_methods_modeling")
A set of tools for solving various problems using Monte Carlo methods. The library in question includes the following features: - generation of random variables with specified parameters; - saving generated values to a file; - function call on the generated set of random variables; - reading the attributes of the called functions from the file; - saving the values returned by the function to a file.
Upload date : 2021-12-10 07:20:58 MD5 : d6131aef853da83c450c8c53bc89d790 SHA1 : 8c8d413e781a30eb7a84c23a5b4e6dd382192405 Downloads : 758
Upload date : 2021-12-10 07:21:21 MD5 : d6131aef853da83c450c8c53bc89d790 SHA1 : 8c8d413e781a30eb7a84c23a5b4e6dd382192405 Downloads : 5473