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ATOMS : IODataIntegration details
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Implementing the tabular data integration interface
(4827 downloads for this version - 72408 downloads for all versions)
Igor Starostin
Igor Starostin
Creation Date
December 2, 2021
Source created on
Scilab 6.1.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("io_data_integration")
            It implements the interface for integrating tabular data, as well as reading,
writing and adding in csv format. Also, the calculation of the values of the
characteristics according to the available data in accordance with the given
function, with the calculation of the absolute and relative errors is realized.
Using this feature, you can perform data compression. The proposed library
allows, with a minimum number of operations, to bring data to a form in which
they can be fed into the training algorithm.

To download the user manual follow the link            
Files (2)
[781.83 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

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