This toolbox defines linear quadratic programming solvers. The
matrices defining the cost and constraints must be full, but the
quadratic term matrix is not required to be full rank.
* linpro : linear programming solver
* mps2linpro : convert lp problem given in MPS format to linpro format
* quapro : linear quadratic programming solver
The multiflow demo requires the metanet module.
* Eduardo Casas Renteria and Cecilia Pola Mendez, Departamento de Matematicas,
Estadistica y Computacion, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain (Solver code)
* Eduardo Casas Renteria and Serge Steer, Metalau project, INRIA (interface
with Scilab)
* Francois Delebecque (multiflow demo)
* Allan CORNET - DIGITEO - 2010 (update for Scilab 5.3)