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ATOMS : Scidoe details
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Design of experiments
(11987 downloads for this version - 19680 downloads for all versions)
Michael Baudin
Maria Christopoulou
Yann Collette
Per A. Brodtkorb
Owner Organization
Various entities
Michael BAUDIN
Administrator ATOMS
Creation Date
July 13, 2018
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("scidoe")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide design of experiments techniques, along
with functions for model building.

scidoe for Scilab 6 is available only for Windows and Linux users.
Indeed, it depends on Stixbox that's not available for MacOS with Scilab

Report bugs @


 * scidoe_bbdesign - Box-Benhken design of experiments
 * scidoe_ccdesign - A Central Composite Design of Experiments
 * scidoe_ff2n - Full factorial design with 2 levels
 * scidoe_fracfact - Fractional Factorial Design
 * scidoe_fullfact - Full factorial design
 * scidoe_lhsdesign - Latin Hypercube Sampling
 * scidoe_star - Produces a star point design of experiments

 * scidoe_ryates - Reverse Yates algorithm to give estimated responses
 * scidoe_yates - Computes main and interaction effects using Yate's

 * scidoe_compare - The default comparison function used in the sort-merge.
 * scidoe_pdist - Pairwise point distances of a matrix
 * scidoe_plotcube - Plots a d dimensions cube in [-1,1].
 * scidoe_plotlhs - Plot a LHS design
 * scidoe_sort - A flexible sorting function.
 * scidoe_sortdesign - Sort the experiments of a design of experiments
 * scidoe_squareform - Format distance matrix
 * scidoe_string - Sort the experiments of a design of experiments

CHANGES 0.3 => 0.4.1
* First binary releases for Scilab 5.5 and for Scilab 6.0
* builder.sce can now build with both Scilab 5 and Scilab 6
* scidoe.start now checks that all (recursive) dependences are loaded.
* regres() was sometimes used instead of regress() (stixbox module).
* cleaning:
  -- readme.txt: the TODO section was outdated.
  -- scidoe_multilinreg.bin scidoe_simplelinreg.bin  scidoe_lhsplot.bin
     scidoe_regress.bin scidoe_regressprint.bin: unused => removed
  -- help/figures was empty => removed
* scidoe_pdist() fixed against 'operation+-[]' errors.
* Unit tests:
  -- 'JVM NOT MANDATORY' replaced with 'CLI SHELL MODE'
  -- updated & fixed
* Dependency to helptbx removed: helptbx_helpupdate() is useful
  only for maintainers (to maintain help pages), never for users.
Files (4)
[137.83 kB]
Source code archive

[219.82 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x

[262.49 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[263.06 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

News (0)
Comments (4)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Gilbert Fuerer -- August 13, 2018, 01:35:08 PM    
What is this?

--> H = scidoe_lhsdesign(5,5,"criterion","maximin")
at line    70 of function scidoe_pdist            (
C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.1\contrib\scidoe\04EAF7~1.1\macros\scidoe_pdist.sci line 80 )
at line    10 of function scidoe_lhsdesignMaximin (
C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.1\contrib\scidoe\04EAF7~1.1\macros\scidoe_lhsdesign.sci line 264 )
at line   202 of function scidoe_lhsdesign        (
C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.1\contrib\scidoe\04EAF7~1.1\macros\scidoe_lhsdesign.sci line 214 )

Undefined variable: specfun_subset

Using scilab 6.0.1 x64, scidoe 0.4.1 on Windows 7 x64.

Sorry for posting here: I could not register on
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 18, 2018, 04:57:20 PM    
This answer has been deleted.
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 18, 2018, 04:58:45 PM    
Thanks Gilbert for reporting this issue. 
It is now posted as ticket
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 19, 2018, 06:56:30 PM    
>Undefined variable: specfun_subset

This error was due to a bad loading of the specfun module, that scidoe depends on.
The specfun module is now fixed. To fix your installation, please do the following:
atomsUpdate specfun

Then, scidoe should load completely all its dependences, including specfun.
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 19, 2018, 06:58:23 PM    
Here is what you should see in the console when loading scidoe:

Start Linalg

Start Makematrix

Start Helptbx

Start Distfun

Start Stixbox

Start Specfun

Start Apifun
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "help apifun_overview" for a quick start.

Start Scidoe
	Load macros
	Load help
	Type "help scidoe" for quick start.

Comment from Gilbert Fuerer -- August 20, 2018, 07:14:15 AM    
Thanks for the fix!
Works as expected!

(Only the update procedure did not work. I had to remove then reinstall the packages
manually - But that, scratch that, WAS just a minor issue.)
Comment from sachin thorat -- August 11, 2021, 01:04:07 PM    

Can someone help figure out a way around this error.

--> scidoe_plotcube(3)
at line   108 of function apifun_checklhs ( /home/sachin/scilab-
6.1.0/share/scilab/contrib/apifun/0.4.3/macros/apifun_checklhs.sci line 116 )
at line    42 of function scidoe_plotcube ( /home/sachin/scilab-
6.1.0/share/scilab/contrib/scidoe/0.4.1/macros/scidoe_plotcube.sci line 48 )

scidoe_plotcube: Unexpected number of output arguments : 0 provided while the expected 
number of output arguments should be in the set [1].
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 11, 2021, 02:00:18 PM    
Thanks for pointing this issue

> Can someone help figure out a way around this error.

edit scidoe_plotcube 42
// replace ..lhs,1)  with ..lhs,0)
// save scidoe_plotcube.sci
// Recompile it:
predef clear
genlib("scidoelib", "6.1.0/share/scilab/contrib/scidoe/0.4.1/macros")
clear scidoe_plotcube
// That's it

Answer from sachin thorat -- August 22, 2021, 04:28:56 PM    
> Thanks for pointing this issue
> > Can someone help figure out a way around this error.
> edit scidoe_plotcube 42
> // replace ..lhs,1)  with ..lhs,0)
> // save scidoe_plotcube.sci
> // Recompile it:
> predef clear
> genlib("scidoelib",
> "6.1.0/share/scilab/contrib/scidoe/0.4.1/macros")
> clear scidoe_plotcube
> // That's it

Thanks. It worked.
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 22, 2021, 04:30:47 PM    
> Hi,
> It didn't help. Outputs are mentioned below.
> --> genlib("scidoelib",
> "6.1.0/share/scilab/contrib/scidoe/0.4.1/macros")
> genlib: Cannot open file ''6.1.0/share/scilab/contrib/scidoe/0.4.1/macros/lib''.
>  ans  =
>   F

Please be sure that you have write access to 
On Windows, this is done by running Scilab as an admin.
On Linux, i don't know. Maybe using sudo
Answer from Samuel Gougeon -- August 22, 2021, 04:31:44 PM    
> Thanks. It worked.

OK. Fine.
Comment from sachin thorat -- August 22, 2021, 04:24:13 PM    
This comment has been deleted.
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