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ATOMS : Scidoe details
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Design of experiments
(4940 downloads for this version - 19680 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 0.4.1
Michael Baudin
Maria Christopoulou
Yann Collette
Per A. Brodtkorb
Owner Organization
Various entities
Michael BAUDIN
Administrator ATOMS
Samuel Gougeon
Creation Date
March 16, 2013
Source created on
Scilab 5.4.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.4.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("scidoe")
            The goal of this toolbox is to provide design of experiments techniques, along
with functions for model building.



 * scidoe_bbdesign - Box-Benhken design of experiments
 * scidoe_ccdesign - A Central Composite Design of Experiments
 * scidoe_ff2n - Full factorial design with 2 levels
 * scidoe_fracfact - Fractional Factorial Design
 * scidoe_fullfact - Full factorial design
 * scidoe_lhsdesign - Latin Hypercube Sampling
 * scidoe_star - Produces a star point design of experiments


 * scidoe_ryates - Reverse Yates algorithm to give estimated responses
 * scidoe_yates - Calculates main and interaction effects using Yate's


 * scidoe_compare - The default comparison function used in the sort-merge.
 * scidoe_pdist - Pairwise point distances of a matrix
 * scidoe_plotcube - Plots a d dimensions cube in [-1,1].
 * scidoe_plotlhs - Plot a LHS design
 * scidoe_sort - A flexible sorting function.
 * scidoe_sortdesign - Sort the experiments of a design of experiments
 * scidoe_squareform - Format distance matrix
 * scidoe_string - Sort the experiments of a design of experiments
Files (2)
[196.72 kB]
Source code archive

[242.31 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (3)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Michael BAUDIN -- March 18, 2013, 09:06:59 PM    
Here is the changelog of v0.3.

scidoe (v0.3)
 * Fixed Bug #1028:
   For scidoe_lhsdesign for the "criterion" option in the 
   help page.
 * Created scidoe_plotlhs to plot LHS designs more simply.
 * Fixed implementation of maximin LHS in scidoe_lhsdesign.
 * Added "centermaximin" option in scidoe_lhsdesign.
 * Fixed bug #1055:
   Fixed implementation of "correlation" LHS in scidoe_lhsdesign.
 * Created scidoe_squareform to support scidoe_pdist.
 * Fixed help pages of scidoe_ccdesign, scidoe_star, scidoe_fracfact.
 * Removed scidoe_simplelinreg. 
   To update your code, please replace:
B = scidoe_simplelinreg(X,Y)


B = regres(Y,[ones(X),X])

assuming that X and Y are column vectors. 
   The regres function is in the next Stixbox release.
 * Removed scidoe_multilinreg. 
   To update your code, please replace:
B = scidoe_multilinreg(Y,X)


B = regres(Y,[ones(Y),X])
   The regres function is in the next Stixbox release.

 * Extended scidoe_plotcube to manage general range [xmin,xmax].
 * Extended scidoe_plotlhs to manage 3D LHS.
 * Removed scidoe_regress and scidoe_regressprint.
   To update your code, please replace 


   and replace 


    This was done because the linear regression 
	function is better in Stixbox, since this is 
	not the main purpose of scidoe: linear regression 
	is a general purpose tool, which is not restricted to 
	design of experiments.
    The regres and functions are in the next Stixbox release.
 * Added a Quick Start.
 * Added a help page of the designs, with graphics included.
Comment from Michael BAUDIN -- March 19, 2013, 09:29:18 PM    
Here is the result of a test on Scilab 5.4.0, with Windows 7 32 bits. The test shows that 
this release is OK.

Startup execution:
  loading initial environment
 ans  =
!scidoe      0.3-1    user  SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1        I  !
!                                                                !
!stixbox     2.2-1    user  SCIHOME\atoms\stixbox\2.2-1       A  !
!                                                                !
!makematrix  0.4.1-1  user  SCIHOME\atoms\makematrix\0.4.1-1  A  !
!                                                                !
!apifun      0.4.1-1  user  SCIHOME\atoms\apifun\0.4.1-1      A  !
!                                                                !
!specfun     0.4.1-1  user  SCIHOME\atoms\specfun\0.4.1-1     A  !
!                                                                !
!helptbx     0.4-1    user  SCIHOME\atoms\helptbx\0.4-1       A  !
!                                                                !
!distfun     0.6-1    user  SCIHOME\atoms\distfun\0.6-1       A  !

[Restart Scilab]

   TMPDIR = C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Temp\SCI_TMP_7108_

   001/001 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] : 

   001/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] bbdesign..............passed
   002/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] ccdesign..............passed
   003/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] compare...............passed
   004/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] ff2n..................passed
   005/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] fracfact..............passed
   006/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] fullfact..............passed
   007/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] lhsdesign.............passed
   008/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] pdist.................failed: dia and ref are 
not equal 
   009/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] plotcube..............Manual change : no pb.
   010/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] plotlhs...............passed
   011/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] ryates................passed
   012/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] sort..................passed
   013/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] sortdesign............passed
   014/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] sortgraph.............passed
   015/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] squareform............passed
   016/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] star..................passed
   017/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] string................passed
   018/018 - [SCIHOME\atoms\scidoe\0.3-1] yates.................passed

The plotcube error on my machine is because of the Java error messages. 
The pdist error is because the dia and ref are not equal: this is an error in the unit 
test, but the function works fine.

Comment from Samuel Gougeon -- April 15, 2014, 03:23:34 PM    
There are several dependencies. Despite they are well declared and automatically installed
when downloading the module through the ATOMS's GUI, they are not necessarilly kept as
autoloaded. Then, when using DOE, some errors occur. A utility function checking that all
dependencies are loaded in session could be added and called at the beginning of each
function of the module...
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