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Serial Communication Toolbox

A toolbox for communication over a Serial Port in Scilab
(4312 downloads for this version - 99730 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.4 exists: 0.4.1
Enrico Segre
Aditya Sengupta
Owner Organization
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Aditya Sengupta
Creation Date
April 14, 2012
Source created on
Scilab 5.4.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.4.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("serial")
            Serial Communication Toolbox for Scilab

This toolbox enables the use of Serial Communication in
[Scilab]( and
This is a port of the __Portable Serial Toolbox__ for Scilab originally written
by [Enrico Segre](
and has been ported 
to Scilab 5.x and released with his kind permission. It is licensed, at his 
request, under the GPLv3. 

Enrico does not wish to provide support for this
toolbox anymore. Therefore, for any support related queries or otherwise,
please raise an issue on the
[Github project page](
You can reach me at [this address](, but I would
prefer you raise an issue on Github for problems with the toolbox. 

This toolbox is known to have worked so far on Linux based systems and on
Windows (up till Windows 7). 

The implementation via TCL wrappers is certainly suboptimal, but shouldn't be
a penalty, given the low bandwidth and the intrinsic asynchronous mode of serial

communication. And mainly, it relieves the developer from supporting many
at once. 

Release Notes: 

v.0.4: Toolbox updated to be compatible with Scilab 5.4 

(First Release by Aditya Sengupta) 

v.0.3: Toolbox is now compatible with Scilab 5.x, along with help files. 

(Final Release by Enrico Segre)

v.0.2: corrected version after report of [bug
confused by strings containing nonprintable ascii characters, 

Toolbox essentially still geared for scilab 4.x (4.1.2, scicoslab) in the sense

- ``builder.sce`` and ``loader.sce`` make use of ``xmltohtml()``,
``add_help_chapter()``; xml files are based on the 4.x dtd (IF I would be able
to make doc in scilab5 I might even consider to package a new help page set
together with the old)
- in many points the detour ``TCL_EvalStr("set answ [....]");
  TCL_GetVar("answ")`` is still implemented (was mandatory prior to [request
it is not required
since scilab 4.1.2
However, the toolbox is reported to work with Scilab 5.0.2 final [I suppose,
without help pages readable in the help widget, but that's minor; html files
provided, anyway]
Files (2)
[61.99 kB]
Source code archive

[47.22 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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Comments (2)     Leave a comment 
Comment from William Wafer -- April 23, 2012, 12:52:58 PM    

I seem to be having some issues with the serial toolbox.  

Currently I'm using Scilab 5.3.3 with the 0.4-1 serial tool box running in several 
environments, one under Ubuntu 11.10 and one under Windows XP.  The environments yield 
different problems thwarting my efforts.

Under Ubuntu 11.10, when trying to open a serial port, the machine hangs up on the 
openserial command.  I appear to have rights to use the serial ports and have tried this 
on multiple machines having the similar configurations with no difference in the outcome. 

Under Windows XP, I'm able to open the serial port and communicate with my project except 
the data returned, which is set to be translated to binary, seems to be an ascii string.  
Since there are no ascii codes corresponding to the data transmitted, conversion to 
integers yeilds incorrect results.

My perfered operating system for the communication to work is Ubuntu.  Any ideas as to 
what's causing the computer to hang?

If not, help with the translation issue under Windows XP would be appreciated.

There also appears to be an issue with the naming convention.  The character cases for 
the calls to serial.start and serial.quit do not match the files.  Doesn't seem to be a 
problem in Windows XP, but took a moment to figure out under Ubuntu.


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