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xlreadwrite toolbox (13874 downloads, updated April 17, 2024)
read and write xls and xlsx files
6 comments - --> atomsInstall("xlreadwrite")
DataINT (33721 downloads, updated February 8, 2024)
Toolbox for INTERACTIVE reading and writing of csv- and xls-datafiles
--> atomsInstall("dataint")
Read a comment block embedding data (1969 downloads, updated May 29, 2023)
Read comment blocks of data embedded in the current script or in a given file
--> atomsInstall("read_datablock")
Serial Communication (95720 downloads, updated May 2, 2023)
Communication over a RS-232 Serial Port with Scilab on Windows and Linux
58 comments - --> atomsInstall("serial")
Computing Experiment (37820 downloads, updated March 24, 2023)
Implementation of a computational experiment based on xcos
--> atomsInstall("computing_experiment")
Bioinformatics ToolBox from DCB (19306 downloads, updated March 20, 2023)
57 functions for Bioinformatics analysis
3 comments - --> atomsInstall("BTD")
sciNetCDF (18766 downloads, updated March 16, 2023)
Read / write NetCDF files
6 comments - --> atomsInstall("scinetcdf")
Manage Distributed Tasks Local Formal Modeling Cmd (5408 downloads, updated February 19, 2023)
Local manage the formal modeling solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the projects by cmd
--> atomsInstall("manage_dist_tasks_local_form_model_cmd")
Indexed Names (2847 downloads, updated February 18, 2023)
Generating indexed names
--> atomsInstall("indexed_names")
Manage Distributed Tasks Local (2835 downloads, updated July 6, 2022)
Local manage the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the projects
--> atomsInstall("manage_distributed_tasks_local")
Manage Distributed Tasks Local Formal Modeling (2818 downloads, updated July 6, 2022)
Local manage the formal modeling solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the projects
--> atomsInstall("manage_distrib_tasks_local_form_model")
Formal Modeling System Dynamic (6335 downloads, updated June 23, 2022)
Implements the tools for formal modeling of the dynamics of a user system
--> atomsInstall("formal_modeling_system_dynamic")
IODataIntegration (48066 downloads, updated December 4, 2021)
Implementing the tabular data integration interface
2 comments - --> atomsInstall("io_data_integration")
Scilab IoT Module (24142 downloads, updated February 1, 2021)
This is an Internet of Things toolbox for Scilab.
--> atomsInstall("bytecode_iot_module")
Scilab JSON Toolbox (17112 downloads, updated August 30, 2019)
A Simple JSON Toolbox for Scilab
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("json")
Scilib-GEO (14239 downloads, updated December 1, 2018)
A collection of functions for use in geodaesie and astronomie
16 comments - --> atomsInstall("scilib_geo")
Matrix Market (28949 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
Read and Write Matrix Market formatted files
4 comments - --> atomsInstall("MatrixMarket")
USB Toolbox (13977 downloads, updated April 1, 2017)
Provide a set to function to communicate directly from Scilab with USB Devices
9 comments --> atomsInstall("usb_toolbox")
Microwave Toolbox (10755 downloads, updated July 20, 2016)
RF and Microwave Tools for Data Analysis
12 comments - --> atomsInstall("microwave")
edflib (52202 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
load/write edf/bdf-files
6 comments --> atomsInstall("edflib")
convertLatin (13547 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
functions to convert to UTF-8 to latin (and reverse)
--> atomsInstall("convertlatin")
WriteXmlExcel (11905 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Write Excel xml files
2 comments --> atomsInstall("WriteXmlExcel")
csv_readwrite (31523 downloads, updated February 26, 2016)
Fast functions to read and write csv files
30 comments --> atomsInstall("csv_readwrite")
Binding for Salome MED libraries (2625 downloads, updated June 25, 2014)
This toolbox allows to manipulate 2D/3D meshes & fields, load/save them from/to MED files
2 comments - --> atomsInstall("MED")
Database toolbox (15109 downloads, updated January 9, 2013)
Connect to databases, execute queries, load data to/from DB from/to Scilab environment
21 comments - --> atomsInstall("scidb")
PVM (695 downloads, updated October 2, 2012)
1 comment --> atomsInstall("PVM")
SciCrypt (4372 downloads, updated January 7, 2010)
Cyptography module for Scilab
--> atomsInstall("SciCrypt")