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ATOMS : Socket details
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Basic socket functions for Scilab
(14102 downloads for this version - 42197 downloads for all versions)
Tibault Reveyrand
Owner Organization
Samuel Gougeon
tibault reveyrand
Administrator ATOMS
Creation Date
August 23, 2019
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("socket_toolbox")
Here is a SOCKET toolbox for Scilab. This toolbox enables communications between
an instrument or server located via TCPIP protocol and Scilab.

* This toolbox uses the Scilab TCL/Tk tclsci module, that's not provided 
  for MacOS. Hence, it can be used with Scilab only on Windows and Linux.
* socket_toolbox for Scilab 6.0 may be affected by

SOCKET_init  — Display a message
SOCKET_open  — Open a SOCKET Session
SOCKET_pause — Add a delay in your Scilab script
SOCKET_query — Query on an opened SOCKET Session
SOCKET_read  — Read on an opened socket session
SOCKET_write — Write on an opened SOCKET Session
SOCKET_close — Close a Socket session

CHANGES 2.0.2 => 2.0.3
 * Bug fixed: SOCKET_read() failed when the answer contains some ' chars.
 * The toolbox can now be installed offline (DESCRIPTION file added)
Files (4)
[47.83 kB]
Source code archive

[35.91 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x

[37.59 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[37.59 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

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Comments (2)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Pascal Buehler -- December 2, 2019, 08:08:18 AM    
I have a question, with the socket toolbox i make a connection to a Rest API. I open the 
socket, then i make 10 times with a for loop the GET requiery with the autorisation 
cookie and close the Socket. Everything is fine, but it takes two seconds for one loop 
of this operation (Tic/Toc) When i look at wireshark, the operation realy took 0.14s. So 
why does it take Scilab so long? Where is the bottleneck? How to improve speed?

M.f.G. Pascal
Comment from Pascal Buehler -- April 24, 2020, 02:28:33 PM    
Is it possible to extend des socket toolbox for UDP communication for BACnet?

M.f.G. Pascal
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