dataINT offers functions for convenient, interactive im-/export of test-based
data files (*.csv, *.dat, *.txt) to or from a Scilab matrix or from a binary
Excel files (*.xls), respectively.
Parameters, to specify the im-/export, can conveniently entered in a dialog
box and the file selection is done by the platform-specific
file selection dialog.
You can specify the following im-/export parameters:
- Field separator (comma, semicolon, tab, space)
- Decimal separator (comma, point)
- Rows and columns you want to import
- Sheet you want to import
- Number of lines to skip, e.g. header line(s)
- Comment header line to describe your data
IMPORTANT: dataINT does not handle data from XML-based Excel files (.xlsx)!
NOTE: dataINT handles doubles only.
The functions can easily integrated in your own scripts to make use of
dataINT's interactive functionality or to simplify your data import in
Scilab's console.
* DI_read
Combines functionality of DI_readcsv and DI_readxls in one function
* DI_show
Read the first 25 or an arbitrary number of lines of a text data file,
displays them in the console and invoke the reading procedure after, if
* DI_writedat
Write comma-separated value files (*.csv, *.dat, *.txt) interactively.
dataINT is available for Scilab 5.5.x, 6.0.x and 6.1.x. Furthermore
dataINT is cross-platform.
- DI_show function added
- DI_writedat replaces DI_writecsv
- Deprecation of DI_readcsv and DI_readxls. Successor of both is DI_read
- Fix decimal-comma-bug when reading/parsing space separated text files
with decimal commas
- DI_read function introduced
- Better input parameter checking
- Easier input of data ranges for import
1.0.1 Bug fixes:
- "test" print in DI_readcsv())
- Syntax/Calling Sequence missing bug in help-files
- some minor improvements