The goal of this toolbox is to provide accurate distribution functions.
The provided functions are designed to be compatible with Matlab.
* distfun_betacdf — Beta CDF
* distfun_betainv — Beta Inverse CDF
* distfun_betapdf — Beta PDF
* distfun_betarnd — Beta random numbers
* distfun_betastat — Beta mean and variance
* distfun_expcdf — Exponential CDF
* distfun_expinv — Exponential Inverse CDF
* distfun_exppdf — Exponential PDF
* distfun_exprnd — Exponential random numbers
* distfun_expstat — Exponential mean and variance
* distfun_gamcdf — Gamma CDF
* distfun_gaminv — Gamma Inverse CDF
* distfun_gampdf — Gamma PDF
* distfun_gamrnd — Gamma random numbers
* distfun_logncdf — Lognormal CDF
* distfun_logninv — Lognormal Inverse CDF
* distfun_lognpdf — Lognormal PDF
* distfun_lognrnd — Lognormal random numbers
* distfun_lognstat — LogNormal mean and variance
* distfun_normcdf — Normal CDF
* distfun_norminv — Normal Inverse CDF
* distfun_normpdf — Normal PDF
* distfun_normrnd — Normal random numbers
* distfun_unifcdf — Uniform CDF
* distfun_unifinv — Uniform Inverse CDF
* distfun_unifpdf — Uniform PDF
* distfun_unifrnd — Uniform random numbers
* distfun_unifstat — Uniform mean and variance
* distfun_erfcinv — Computes the inverse erfc function.