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ATOMS : Fuzzy Logic Toolbox details
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Fuzzy Logic Toolbox

sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab
(32617 downloads for this version - 112599 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 0.5
Holger Nahrstaedt
Jaime Urzua Grez
Owner Organization
Technische Universit�t Berlin
Holger Nahrstaedt
Creation Date
October 20, 2014
Source created on
Scilab 5.4.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.4.x:
Linux 32-bit Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit macOS Linux 64-bit
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("sciFLT")
            sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab.

* in the next release all function names will be renamed to flt_, e.g.

2014-10-20  0.4.7
	* 1473 fixed (thanks to  Chin Luh Tan)
2014-03-21   0.4.6
	* gbellmf can have negative c (thanks to  Chin Luh Tan)
	* xcos dialogs improved
	* fls-xcos block can load fls files.
2014-02-03   Holger Nahrstaedt
        * Launch Revision 0.4.5
        * savefls bugs corrected (thanks to  Chin Luh Tan)

2013-08-22    0.4.4
        * xcos palette works under windows
        * toolbox loads under windows
2013-08-19    0.4.3
        * improved build process
        * works with scilab 5.4.1
        * addrule added
        * fls editor sciFLTEditor added

2011-12-14   0.4.2
        * replace wsum by wtsum and waver by wtaver
        * help files are generated from the sci files and improved
        * definition of all mf functions are defined as in matlab
        * a lot of bug fixes in evalfls and in other functions
        * xcos support improved
        * hedge support
        * more demos

2011-11-23 0.4.1
        * improved build process
        * should work under linux and windows

2011-11-15   Holger Nahrstaedt
        * Launch Revision 0.4
        * The whole Toolbox is working under scilab 5.3.3

sciFLT have the following properties:
    Types of Fuzzy Logic systems:  At this stage, sciFLT can deal with
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy and Mamdani fuzzy systems usage.

    XCOS support: Member functions, S-Norm, T-Norm, Complement and Fuzzy Logic
System (fls) are supported. Also include a palette.

    S-Norm Class supported: Dubois-Prade, Yager, Drastic sum, Einstein,  sum,
Algebraic sum, Maximum.

    T-Norm Class supported: Dubois-Prade, Yager, Drastic product, Einstein
product,  Algebraic product,  Minimum

    Complement Class supported:  One (classic), Yager, Dubois.

    Implication method supported: Product, Minimum

    Aggregation method supported: Algebraic Sum, Maximum

    Defuzzification method supported: Centroide, Bisector, Mean of Maximum,
Largest of Maximum, Smallest of Maximu, Weighted Average, Center Average.

    Member functions supported:  Triangular, Trapezoidal, Gaussian, Extended
Gaussian,  Sigmoidal,  Product of two Sigmoidal,  Difference of two sigmoidal,
S-Shaped, Z-Shaped, Pi-Shaped. Linear and Const as output for Takagi-Sugeno

    GUI editor: Built in editor to change properties, inputs/outputs variables,
member functions, rules.

   Fuzzy Clustering

  Learning Algorithm            
Files (8)
[593.93 kB]
Source code archive

[785.52 kB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Linux 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[992.35 kB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Windows 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[1.01 MB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Windows 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[749.17 kB]
macOS binary for Scilab 5.4.x
MacOSX version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[766.37 kB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Linux 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[911.76 kB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.5.x
Windows version (i686)
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[929.15 kB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.5.x
Windows version (x64)
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

News (0)
Comments (8)     Leave a comment 
Comment from alejandro said -- January 24, 2016, 04:07:23 AM    
When I try to install the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox the following error shows:

	sciFLT (0.4.7-1) will be installed in the 'user' section	Installing sciFLT (0.4.7-1)
...atomsDownload: The downloaded file does not match the MD5SUM:
	 - file      :
	 - MD5SUM expected : 'acbf9b836dc5187a3614765dd1ba1704'
	 - MD5SUM watched  : '81c43eb809602d14557806c89002eac8'
 !--error 10000 

at line     239 of function atomsDownload called by :  
at line     313 of function atomsInstall called by :  
Comment from Samuel Gougeon -- October 26, 2016, 12:26:35 PM    
Hello Holger,
Since the editor editfls() is written in TCL language, it can't be used by MacOS users.
Indeed, TCL is not supported on MacOS.
IMO it would be worthwhile to add a test in sciFLT.start for the TCL section
to skip this one and warn the user about editfls() unavailability when
the toolbox is installed on a MacOS system.
Comment from Harshad Wadkar -- November 28, 2016, 03:47:19 PM    

I am having 02 issues in installation and using scilab.

1. PC1 : Ubuntu 14.04
a) installed scilab (apt-get install scilab -> installed Scilab 5.5.0)
b) –>atomsInstall(“sciFLT”)
atomsDownload: The downloaded file does not match the MD5SUM:
– file : ‘/usr/share/scilab//contrib/sciFLT/sciFLT_0.4.7-1.bin.x86_64.linux.tar.gz’
– MD5SUM expected : ‘acbf9b836dc5187a3614765dd1ba1704′
– MD5SUM watched : ’81c43eb809602d14557806c89002eac8’
!–error 10000

at line 239 of function atomsDownload called by :
at line 313 of function atomsInstall called by :

Issue : sciFLT not able to install

2. PC2 : Ubuntu 14.04
a) installed scilab (apt-get install scilab -> installed Scilab 5.5.0)
b) installed sciFLT ( –>atomsInstall(“sciFLT”)

Issue : File -> NewFLs -> Takagi-Sugeno (or File -> NewFLs -> Mamdani), shows
nothing in
Editor fls (like image 3 shown in the blog found on

Need your help.

Thanks & Regards

Comment from Dawid Łakomy -- December 29, 2016, 06:50:03 PM    
I have been using sciFLT without any problems for several weeks, and today it stopped 
working. I get the following error when loading the package:

Start Fuzzy Toolbox 0.4.6
Load macros
Load shared library
Load gateways
Load palette
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'sciFLT-0.4.7':
xcosPalAddBlock: Unable to load block from "/home/dawid/.Scilab/scilab-
5.5.2/atoms/sciFLT/0.4.7/images/h5/scicos_tnorm.sod": no `scs_m' variable found.

I've already tried reinstalling this toolbox and Scilab. I use Debian Testing 64-bit.
Comment from Nurul Hasanah -- March 28, 2017, 05:48:26 PM    
When I try to install Coselica and Fuzzy Logic Toolbox the following error shows:

--error 10000 
atomsInstall: The directory 'C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.2\.atoms\tmp_1490715943\' cannot been 
created, please check if you have write access on this directory.
at line     113 of function atomsInstall called by :  

--error 10000 
atomsInstall: The directory 'C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.2\.atoms\tmp_1490715988\' cannot been 
created, please check if you have write access on this directory.
at line     113 of function atomsInstall called by :  

I've uninstalled and installed back to many times
I use win 7 and scilab 5.5.2
Comment from Reza Azari -- June 9, 2017, 09:49:24 AM    

I am working with an Ubuntu 17.04 and I had great difficulty (about a week) to properly
install scilab. Finally and by accident I came across to install it form source and it
worked fine. However, trying to install sciFLT 0.4.7 I get the followin error:

Building macros...
-- Creation of [sciFLTlib] (Macros) --
Building blocks...
at line     8 of function        scicos_block        (
/home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/scicos/macros/scicos_scicos/scicos_block.sci line 29
at line    29 of function        standard_define     (
/home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/scicos/macros/scicos_scicos/standard_define.sci line
50 )
at line    92 of function        scicos_mf           (
/home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/macros/scicos_mf.sci line 92 )
at line     1 of executed string 
at line    78 of function        tbx_build_blocks    (
/home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_build_blocks.sci line 90
at line     5 of function        sciFLT_buildMacros  (
/home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/macros/buildmacros.sce line 16 )
at line     7 of executed file   /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/macros/buildmacros.sce
at line    13 of function        tbx_builder         (
/home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_builder.sci line 26 )
at line    36 of function        tbx_builder_macros  (
/home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_builder_macros.sci line 51
at line    29 of function        sciFLT_buildToolbox (
/home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/builder.sce line 37 )
at line    49 of executed file   /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/builder.sce

scicos_new: Wrong value for input argument #1: unable to set "graphics".

Please provide a solution to this long going and exhausting effort to install these

Thank You and Best Regards.
Answer from Purnomo Sejati -- June 20, 2018, 07:51:50 AM    
Hi Reza and Everyone,

The problem of using sciFLT in Scilab 6 is failed to compile its source file and show this


>>>>>>>> scicos_new: Wrong value for input argument #1: unable to
set "graphics" <<<<<<<<<<<

The mistyping is at line 90 of scicos_mf.sci in Macros Folder. It should be
(ignore dash)

However, you may get trouble during compiling the original source file because it is
for Scilab 5.

I have built it to be used for Scilab 6.0.0 under WINDOWS 10 and uploaded in my GDRIVE

All features are work fine as in Scilab 5.5.2. Feel free to download.


Purnomo Sejati

> Hi,
> I am working with an Ubuntu 17.04 and I had great difficulty (about a week) to
> install scilab. Finally and by accident I came across to install it form source and
> worked fine. However, trying to install sciFLT 0.4.7 I get the followin error:
> Building macros...
> -- Creation of [sciFLTlib] (Macros) --
> Building blocks...
> at line     8 of function        scicos_block        (
> /home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/scicos/macros/scicos_scicos/scicos_block.sci
> 29 )
> at line    29 of function        standard_define     (
> /home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/scicos/macros/scicos_scicos/standard_define.sci
> line
> 50 )
> at line    92 of function        scicos_mf           (
> /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/macros/scicos_mf.sci line 92 )
> at line     1 of executed string 
> at line    78 of function        tbx_build_blocks    (
> /home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_build_blocks.sci
> 90 )
> at line     5 of function        sciFLT_buildMacros  (
> /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/macros/buildmacros.sce line 16 )
> at line     7 of executed file  
> /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/macros/buildmacros.sce
> at line    13 of function        tbx_builder         (
> /home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_builder.sci line 26
> at line    36 of function        tbx_builder_macros  (
> /home/ra/scilab_master/scilab/modules/modules_manager/macros/tbx_builder_macros.sci
> 51 )
> at line    29 of function        sciFLT_buildToolbox (
> /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/builder.sce line 37 )
> at line    49 of executed file   /home/ra/Apps/SciLab/sciFLT_0.4.7/builder.sce
> scicos_new: Wrong value for input argument #1: unable to set "graphics".
> Please provide a solution to this long going and exhausting effort to install these
> packages.
> Thank You and Best Regards.
Comment from Matthias Ploechl -- September 6, 2018, 02:07:21 PM    
I use an Apple MacBook Air. I installed the Apple Developer Tool Xcode and the GNU compiler
for Fortran and C Version 
8.1. and I am using the sciLab version 6.0.1
When I start the builder.sce I obtain the following messages resulting in the error message

(ilib_compile: An error occurred during the compilation:
libtool: compile: unrecognized option

Building macros...
-- Creation of [sciFLTlib] (Macros) --
Building blocks...
Building sources...
   Generate a loader file
   Generate a Makefile
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy complement.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy defuzzm.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy flsengine.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy mfs.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy optfls.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy snorm.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy tnorm.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy util1.f to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: configure : Generate Makefile.
   ilib_gen_Make: Modification of the Makefile in TMPDIR.
   Running the Makefile
at line   169 of function ilib_compile         ( /Applications/scilab- line 185
at line   104 of function ilib_for_link        ( /Applications/scilab- line
118 )
at line    29 of function tbx_build_src        ( /Applications/scilab- line
44 )
at line    32 of function buildFortran         ( /Applications/scilab- line
40 )
at line    31 of executed file /Applications/scilab-
at line    13 of function tbx_builder          ( /Applications/scilab- line
26 )
at line    60 of function tbx_builder_src_lang ( /Applications/scilab-
line 75 )
at line    -3 of executed file
at line    13 of function tbx_builder          ( /Applications/scilab- line
26 )
at line    44 of function tbx_builder_src      ( /Applications/scilab-
line 61 )
at line    29 of function sciFLT_buildToolbox  ( /Applications/scilab- line 37 )
at line    46 of executed file

ilib_compile: An error occurred during the compilation:
libtool: compile: unrecognized option
libtool: compile: Try `libtool --help' for more information.
make: *** [complement.lo] Error 1
ilib_compile: The command was:
make  CFLAGS=" -D__SCILAB_TOOLBOX__ -I/Applications/scilab- -I/Applications/scilab- -I"/Applications/scilab-""
-I/Applications/scilab- -I"/Applications/scilab-""
FFLAGS="-I/Applications/scilab- "
Answer from Matthias Ploechl -- September 19, 2018, 12:36:30 PM    
> I use an Apple MacBook Air. I installed the Apple Developer Tool Xcode and the GNU
> compiler for Fortran and C Version 
> 8.1. and I am using the sciLab version 6.0.1
> When I start the builder.sce I obtain the following messages resulting in the error
> message 
> (ilib_compile: An error occurred during the compilation:
> libtool: compile: unrecognized option
> -1)
> Building macros...
> -- Creation of [sciFLTlib] (Macros) --
> Building blocks...
> Building sources...
>    Generate a loader file
>    Generate a Makefile
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy complement.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy defuzzm.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy flsengine.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy mfs.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy optfls.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy snorm.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy tnorm.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: Copy util1.f to TMPDIR
>    ilib_gen_Make: configure : Generate Makefile.
>    ilib_gen_Make: Modification of the Makefile in TMPDIR.
>    Running the Makefile
> at line   169 of function ilib_compile         ( /Applications/scilab-
> 185 )
> at line   104 of function ilib_for_link        ( /Applications/scilab-
> 118 )
> at line    29 of function tbx_build_src        ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 44 )
> at line    32 of function buildFortran         ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 40 )
> at line    31 of executed file /Applications/scilab-
> at line    13 of function tbx_builder          ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 26 )
> at line    60 of function tbx_builder_src_lang ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 75 )
> at line    -3 of executed file
> at line    13 of function tbx_builder          ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 26 )
> at line    44 of function tbx_builder_src      ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 61 )
> at line    29 of function sciFLT_buildToolbox  ( /Applications/scilab-
> line 37 )
> at line    46 of executed file
> /Applications/
> ilib_compile: An error occurred during the compilation:
> libtool: compile: unrecognized option
> `-I/Applications/'
> libtool: compile: Try `libtool --help' for more information.
> make: *** [complement.lo] Error 1
> ilib_compile: The command was:
> make  CFLAGS=" -D__SCILAB_TOOLBOX__ -I/Applications/scilab-
> -I/Applications/scilab-
> -I"/Applications/scilab-
> I/Applications/
> -I/Applications/scilab-
> -I"/Applications/scilab-
> FFLAGS="-I/Applications/scilab-
> "

I could solve this problem. I had to add the path for the fortran compiler to the
environment variable PATH in SciLab
Comment from Matthias Ploechl -- September 19, 2018, 12:41:52 PM    
But now I have a new problem: I changed in builder.sce the line 
tbx_builder_gateway(toolbox_dir); to a comment, as recommended by Purnomo Sejati
but now the execution of loader.sce leads to the error message that the following file
cannot be found
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