CelestLab is a library of space flight dynamics functions for Scilab.
This library has been developed by CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales)
for mission analysis purposes. It can be used for trajectory analysis and orbit
design for various types of missions (around Earth, interplanetary...).
CelestLab includes about 200 functions that allow mission designers to perform
various tasks such as: orbit propagation, manoeuvre computation, change of
reference frames and coordinates, etc...
You may leave comments below (any remark, suggestions...).
But if you want to report bugs, please rather go to: http://forge.scilab.org
Getting more information about Celestlab :
- A mailing list for CelestLab has just been created.
To subscribe, send an empty email to: celestlab-subscribe@lists.scilab.org
- You can also have a look at the news (below) for an update of what's coming