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ATOMS : CelestLab details
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CNES Space mechanics toolbox for mission analysis
(4794 downloads for this version - 120951 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.2 exists: 2.3.0
Owner Organization
Alain Lamy
Thierry MARTIN
Creation Date
December 18, 2009
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.2.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("celestlab")
            CelestLab is a library of space flight dynamics functions written in Scilab.
This library has been developed and is maintained by the CNES (Centre National
d’Etudes Spatiales) for mission analysis purposes. The library is used by CNES
for the trajectory analysis and orbit design for various type of missions.
CelestLab gathers in ten modules about 200 functions that allow mission
designers to perform various tasks such as: orbit propagation, attitude
computation, elementary manoeuvre computation, change of reference frames,
change of coordinates, three body orbit analysis. CelestLab has been validated
against the CNES flight dynamics reference software. Selected examples from
mission analysis typical studies are provided in the CelestLab help pages.            
Files (2)
[1.77 MB]
Source code archive
This version incorporates minor corrections due to missing declarations of
global variables in some demo files. 
Note: a call to CL_init is required in order to initialize CelestLab global
variables if CelestLab has been loaded using Atoms (as celestlab.start is not
read in this case). 
[3.39 MB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.2.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the atoms compilation chain

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Comments (3)     Leave a comment 
Comment from jerome caron -- January 11, 2010, 04:43:07 PM    
I have just installed the Celestlab package. I would like to know the list of constants
that are loaded with CL_init(), where do I find the information ? I checked the help but
did not find anything. I found that %CL_mu is the gravitational constant for Earth, what
are the others ?

It would be also useful to have a few examples of programmation with Celestlab, to start
with to try to code your own programs.

Many thanks for this promising package
Best regards

Jerome Caron
Answer from Alain Lamy -- January 12, 2010, 09:32:11 AM    
You probably haven't seen the CelestLab help pages : 
Call "help" and you should find the CelestLab topics on the left column. 
Regarding the constants that are defined in CelestLab, 'help CL_init' should
give the information you want. 
Examples are given in each help page and also in the 'demo' files (more
examples are coming soon). 
Hope its answers your questions. 
A. Lamy

Answer -- March 19, 2010, 02:38:35 AM    
This answer has been deleted.
Comment from cyrille tourneur -- January 27, 2010, 10:47:52 PM    
Very very useful and powerful library - many thanks to CNES for this good initiative
Some possible improvements below:
- Models: Earth magnetic field model vs sat altitude & position would be helpful,
especially for missions on exotic/non classical SSO orbits
- Utilities: Coordinates of intersection of a vector defined in the orbital local frame (or
other) with Earth surface (Example: Local solar time vs latitude or pso for min and max
roll values of an optical observation mission like Spot 5)
- The TNW local orbital frame is a bit confusing vs the classical navigation frame (X
towards motion, Y normal to orbit palne and Z towards Earth) - but we can live with this

Many thanks again
 C. Tourneur
Answer from Alain Lamy -- February 5, 2010, 09:20:22 AM    
This answer has been deleted.
Answer from Alain Lamy -- February 5, 2010, 09:20:54 AM    
First of all, thanks for the comments, and thanks for supporting CelestLab. 

We have noted all your suggestions! 

At the moment we are preparing a new version, that, we hope, will be available shortly.
(The extended features that you have proposed may not be available in the next version

One additional comment: 
The definition of the TNW local orbital frame is the same in CelestLab as it is in some
reference books (e.g. "Trajectoires Spatiales" by O. Zarrouati or CCSDS "Navigation
Data—Definitions and Conventions", 500.0-G-2). The "classical navigation frame" you are
referring to seems to be LVLH, which is also in CelestLab (LVLH is like QSW but with
different axes name conventions). But we'll keep this topic in mind for future versions of

Thanks again. 
A. Lamy
Comment from cyrille tourneur -- February 4, 2010, 10:55:15 PM    
Maybe a bug in CL_op_searchRepeatOrbits on params(:,10): longitude gap between 2 closest
ascending nodes [rad] = 2*%pi/(N*Q+P)

If you run the example in the help file
smaMin = 7000.0 * 1000;
smaMax = 7050.0 * 1000;
QMin = 2;
QMax = 6;
ecc = 0.0001;
sso = 1;

you get:
 params  =
    7044098.7    0.0001    1.7112917    14.    2.    3.    44.    5890.9091    3.   
8.1818182    0.         
    7017485.7    0.0001    1.7094306    14.    3.    4.    59.    5857.6271    4.   
6.1016949    0.         
    7001637.8    0.0001    1.7083309    14.    4.    5.    74.    5837.8378    5.   
4.8648649  - 1.599D-13

For params(:,10) of the first line,  0,142799666072263 (=2*pi/44) would be expected instead
of 8.1818182

Answer from Alain Lamy -- February 5, 2010, 09:47:21 AM    
This answer has been deleted.
Answer from Alain Lamy -- February 5, 2010, 10:03:21 AM    
That's true! 

The problem was in fact that the result was expressed in degrees rather than in radians.
This had already been corrected in the new version of CelestLab (that should be released
By the way, another anomaly has also been corrected (in the 'CL_op_repeat2smaInc' function
actually), whose effect was to prevent the algorithms from converging in some situations. 

A final comment: 
I think you should preferably use "bugzilla" rather than this discussion list if you detect
other anomalies. 

Thanks for the remark. 
A. Lamy

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