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ATOMS : CelestLab details
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CNES Space Mechanics Toolbox for Mission Analysis
(1765 downloads for this version - 120951 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 3.5.1
Owner Organization
Thierry MARTIN
Alain Lamy
Creation Date
April 4, 2023
Source created on
Scilab 2023.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 2023.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("celestlab")
CelestLab - CNES Space Mechanics Toolbox for Scilab 
Version 3.4.2		     

CelestLab is a Scilab toolbox for Space Flight Dynamics. 

It has been developed by CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales - 
French Space Agency) for mission analysis purposes.

CelestLab can be used for trajectory analysis and orbit
design for various types of space missions. 
It allows engineers to perform tasks such as: orbit propagation, attitude
computation, elementary manoeuvre computation, change of coordinate systems,

CelestLab comes with an extension module called CelestLabX.  
The features in CelestLab that require CelestLabX to be installed are
related to: 
- STELA: CNES orbit long-term propagation software
- Two Line Elements 
- MSIS2000 atmospheric model 

- CelestLab can be used with Scilab versions 5.5.x to 2023.x.x 
- The version of CelestLabX that should be used is 3.4.2 

- CelestLabX Atoms page for more details about CelestLabX:
- The detailed changelog in CelestLab menu for more information about what has
changed in CelestLab compared to the previous version. 

Note: binary version has been created using Scilab 6.0.2, but is compatible with
Scilab 2023.0.0. 

Files (2)
[64.47 MB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 2023.0.x
Binary version (OS-independent) 
[58.12 MB]
Source code archive

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Comments (5)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Hani Ibrahim -- October 15, 2023, 08:20:38 PM    
Im not in the Celestlab-Team, but:

It says what the problem is: "... not an exact day" 

[2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 1] is not an exact day, [2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 0] is.

In the help page: 
- if nd is equal to -1, the calendar date should be an EXACT DAY, and only the day appear
in the string.

IMHO nd=-1 does not cut off the time and just show the day. It does not display the time
when it is 0:0:0.000

What work in Scilab 2023.1.0:

cal2 = [2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 1]

Regards Hani Ibrahim
Comment from Hiroshi Tachihara -- October 15, 2023, 11:01:19 PM    

CL_dat_cal2str([2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 0], -1) does work well.
CL_dat_cal2str([2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 1], -1) generates the next error.
*** Celestlab: Invarid calendar date: not an exact day
Please check it.

Hiroshi Tachihara 
Comment from Alain Lamy -- October 16, 2023, 08:39:37 AM    

I confirm what Ibrahim said: 

The date (as a string) can be written "yyyy/mm/dd" only if the corresponding
Julian date 
(as computed by CL_dat_cal2cjd) is a whole number, which implies that the date is at 0h. 

CL_dat_cal2cjd([2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 0]) -> 26950  => whole number => can be
converted to 
string with nd = -1

CL_dat_cal2cjd([2023; 10; 15; 0; 0; 1]) ->  26950.000011574... => not a whole number
cannot be converted to string with nd = -1

Comment from Hiroshi Tachihara -- October 16, 2023, 12:24:19 PM    
Thank you very much, Hani Ibrahim and Alain.

I understand about nd = -1. I jumped conclusion.

Hiroshi Tachihara
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