CelestLab - CNES Space mechanics toolbox for Scilab
Version 3.0.0
Overview of CelestLab 3.0.0
This version includes major improvements and a few changes.
It is therefore not fully compatible with CelestLab 2.4.2, but only little
are necessary to make old scripts work.
Among the new features:
- Many new reference frames (IERS 2010 conventions)
- New models for the ephemerides of solar system main bodies (MEEUS, VSOP87,
ELP, DE405)
- Force + potential functions including for the full gravity model up to
degree/order 70 (potential defined by spherical harmonics)
- Extended definition of orbital elements (now 2 new types for equinoctial
- IAU planetary angles (orientation of equator and prime meridian)
- New propagation model based on Lyddane (mean elements include secular and long
period perturbation effects)
- Many new utility functions: Gauss for all orbital element types, conversion of
time scales, etc...
- Magnetic field added (IGRF model).
Changes regarding predefined data:
- No local variables are now created by default (except one for internal use).
The function CL_init is still available, but it now only creates a limited set
of variables.
- Internal data may be retrieved by a new function: CL_dataGet.
- There have been some changes to improve consistency and simplicity: some
redundant variables have been removed (e.g. %CL_j2, ...) or renamed (e.g.
%CL_muSun is replaced by: %CL_body.Sun.mu).
- Some data have been updated. Gravity data (zonal terms) are now those from
EGM96s gravity model.
- The default oblateness value is consistent with WGS84.
- All date/time function arguments are now relative to a specific time scale
called "TREF".
- Two new reference frames adapted to mission analysis are defined: "ECI"
(nearly inertial frame) and "ECF" (rotating frame).
- Documentation has been extended with new pages describing various topics
(ephemerides, forces...). It also includes a section named "cookbook" where
various complete examples are given.
- Configuration features have been added for high level properties.
- CelestLab v3.0.0 can be used with Scilab version 5.3.0 or higher.