I tried to download and compile the third party library OpenCV on a virtual PC
with 64 bit Ubuntu Linux as described at
When I tried to download the required packages, I received an error message.
When I compiled the toolbox, some binary files were created, but I received some
error messages.
I was able to build and to load the toolbox on Linux. But an error message
occurs when calling ReadImage. The internal function ReadImageFile should return
two outputs: The first is a list of gray values or channel intensity values. The
second specifies the number of rows, columns and color channels. However, the
path of the image is returned instead.
This means that the library function for loading an image does not work properly
on the virtual Linux machine. An image processing toolbox that has no
functionality for reading image file is not of much use. Therefore, I am not
going to upload the 64 bit Linux binaries. I need no virtual 32 bit Linux
machine so I am not going to attempt to build the toolbox for 32 bit Linux.
I suggest that someone who has enough Linux experience build the toolbox on
The toolbox is available on MacOS Yosemite now. Distance transform and watershed
transform are not included due to problems with external library functions the
distance transform depends on. I suggest that the sources of the toolbox and
OpenCV are built on MacOS and a workaround for the crash in
DistanceTransform.cpp is found later.
The packages generated by ATOMS compilation chain on 10 october 2011 work fine.
The 64 bit Windows package uploaded on 2011-10-07 09:36:44 does not contain
online help. The sources uploaded on 2011-10-07 19:25:13 do contain the online
The 32 bit Windows package uploaded on 2011-10-07 09:50:00 has no build log file
and can not be downloaded. It seems that the ZIP file contains an error. I
disabled both ZIP files. The 32 bit Windows package is replaced by a version I
built. I downloaded the 64 bit Windows package built by ATOMS compilation chain,
I manually added help files and I uploaded it.
I suggest that the toolbox is re-built on 32 bit Windows and 64 bit Windows.
A package for 32 bit Linux was built. However, it seems that the Linux version
will not work because the sources I submitted do not contain the Linux version
of OpenCV.
I suggest the following steps to make the toolbox available for Linux:
1. A subdirectory should be added to sci_gateway/cpp/lib/
2. The following files should be copied to the new subdirectory: cxcore210.lib,
cxcore210.so, cv210.lib, cv210.so, highgui210.lib, highgui210.so
3. The script builder_gateway_cpp.sce in the directory sci_gateway/cpp/ should
be extended so the library path is found and the *.so files are copied to the
cpp directory.
Please understand that I am not able to do this as I do not have access to a
Linux machine.
IPD 8.0 was uploaded on February 21st, 2011. This is the first version that can
be built on 64 bit Windows. The toolbox can be built on 32 bit Windows, too, of
As online help can not be built on Scilab 5.3.0, the help files of IPD 7.0 are
provided in the source files and building help is disabled on Scilab 5.3.0.
Building the online help does not work with Scilab 5.3.0. If you intend to build
the sources, please comment the line
in line 60 of builder.sce and type
// if installed via ATOMS
// if installed manually
in a previous version of Scilab.
Version 6.1 was added. The differences between versions 6.1 and 6.0:
- Online help will always be loaded when loading the toolbox,
regardless of installation method.
- Image paths in online help examples now consist of the dynamically
determined toolbox path and the subdirectory 'demos'. This makes
ist sure that examples can be executed in Scilab, regardless of the
directory structure.
The toolbox should be re-built by atoms compilation chain, because IPD.Start had
to be be modified.
The following lines were replaced:
// load help
help_path = pathconvert(IPD_PATH) + 'help' + filesep();
select getlanguage()
case 'de_DE'
help_path = help_path + 'de_DE';
case 'en_US'
help_path = help_path + 'en_US';
case 'ja_JP'
help_path = help_path + 'ja_JP';
help_path = help_path + 'en_US';
if isdir(help_path) then
current_path = pwd();
by the following code:
// load help
help_path = pathconvert(IPD_PATH) + 'jar' + filesep();
if isdir(help_path) then
add_help_chapter('IPD - Image Processing Design', help_path, %F);
IPD 6.0 was released on 5 September 2010. There are the following changes
between versions 6.0 and 5.0:
1. Template matching functionality was added.
2. This version can be built using Scilab 5.3.0 Beta 3.
I tested IPD 5.0 on Scilab 5.2.2 and Windows 7. I built the sources using the
local version of Visual Studio. IPD 5.0 can be loaded into Scilab 5.2.2. The
demos work.
The C++ compiler the OpenCV libraries were built with must be present on the
machine IPD is loaded. If an error message such as "cxcore200.dll does not
exist" occures when loading IPD into Scilab, there are the following options:
1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition on your computer.
2. Download OpenCV 2.0 and build it with the C++ compiler installed on your
computer. Then replace the files
in the directory
and the files
in the directory
by the corresponding files created by your C++ compiler.
Please run the script
in the directory
Version 5.0 was released on 26 March 2010. The differences between version 4.0
and 5.0 are the following:
- Functions for computing wavelet frames (similar to discrete wavelet
transform, but invariant to translation) were added.
- Constants implemented as variables such as TYPE_DOUBLE, EDGE_SOBEL are
global variables now so the toolbox can be loaded by atomsLoad.
- The stack size is increased to maximum when the toolbox is loaded.
IPD 4.0 was released on 16 March.
New or changed functions:
1. CalculateTextureEnergy, can be used for texture segmentation
2. EdgeFilter re-implemented as *.sci file so edge filters can be modified
3. Linear filtering with rectangularand separable filters.
Building the toolbox:
The source package contains the *.lib and *.dll files of OpenCV so that the
source package can be compiled on Windows. If you intend to compile the package
on Linux or Mac, please replace the *.lib and *.dll files by the corresponding
files of your operating system.
Online help:
A German and a Japanese online help are added. If you find errors in the
Japanese help, please tell me. Please feel free to write in Japanese in this
The toolbox can be downloaded with Atoms GUI now. Atoms creates the directory
with the sub-directory
When you copy or move this sub-directory
so that there is the directory
the toolbox can be loaded into Scilab after closing and relaunching it.
There is an error message "installation failed", but this is related to some
internal problem of Atoms.
I uploaded a new ZIP file with source files today. The windows package is not
affected by the changes in the source files.
IPD 3.3 was released on 3 March 2010.
The version 3.2 was released on 28 February 2010.
The versions 2.0 and 3.0 are available as ZIP files. You can install one or both
of these versions by extracting the ZIP files to
IPD 2.0 and 3.0 work on Windows only.
The sources and builder files of IPD 3.1 are uploaded. A compiled version for 32
bit Windows XP is uploaded, too.