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ATOMS : Image Processing Design Toolbox details
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Image Processing Design Toolbox

This toolbox implements functions for object detection.
(2318 downloads for this version - 305171 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.2 exists: 5.0
Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda
Owner Organization
private individual
Harald Galda
Creation Date
February 28, 2010
Source created on
Scilab 5.2.x
Binaries available on
The maintainer of this module has not provided binaries.
            IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox Version 3.2
Copyright (c) by Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda, 2009 - 2010.
Conveyed under the conditions of the GNU GPL Version 3 or later.

This toolbox provides functions for designing and parameterizing image
processing algorithms. The following functionality is provided:

1. Histogram calculation
   - gray level histogram
   - cumulated histogram

2. Thresholding
   - segmentation by threshold
   - threshold calculation by Otsu method

3. Morphological filters
   - dilation
   - erosion
   - closing
   - opening
   - top hat
   - bottom hat

4. Median filter

5. Filtering for edge detection
    - Sobel filter
    - Laplace filter
    - Prewitt filter
    - Scharr filter

6. Region based segmentation
   - distance transform
   - watershed transform

7. Blob analysis
   - searching connected regions in binary images
   - removing blobs that have less pixels than a lower bound or more pixels
     than an upper bound
   - calculating specific properties of blobs such as bounding box, centroid
   - drawing bounding boxes around objects found in an image
   - calculating histogram of blob sizes
   - calculating cumulated histogram of blob sizes

8. Displaying images in figure windows
   - display
   - conversion of RGB to indexed images
   - conversion of indexed images to RGB 

9. Conversion between color images and gray level images
   - RGB    to  gray level
   - RGB    to  L*a*b* 
   - L*a*b* to  RGB 

10. Opening image and video files
   - reading image files
   - writing image files
   - reading video files

Changes between version 3.1 and version 3.2

    - Typo in CreateStructureElement was corrected.

    - Errors in IplImageToScilab.cpp and ScilabToIplImage.cpp were corrected.

    - ShowImage.sci shows an image with its original size now.
This version uses OpenCV 2.0 which is available for download at

It is recommended to choose Atlas library option when installing Scilab. IPD
can not be loaded if the reference library option was chosen during Scilab 
installation. The author of this toolbox does not use Intel Math Kernel
Files (3)
[838.83 kB]
Source code archive
This ZIP file contains the Scilab scripts, cpp functions and XML files. If you
have OpenCV 2.0 on your computer, you can copy the files


to the directory


or edit 


in the directory


and set the library path. 

Then you can compile the toolbox.

If you want to load the toolbox, you must copy the files


or the dll equivalent on your operating system to the directory


[5.19 MB]
This ZIP file contains all files necessary on Windows XP.
[2.23 kB]
Miscellaneous file
This file contains a description of the toolbox.
News (19)
Comments (6)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Chin Luh Tan -- March 2, 2010, 03:43:47 AM    
It looks great! However, I think for the atom version, the initial variable such as 
TYPE_STRING are not loaded, so it wil return error that it was undefined variable. The 
zip version works fine.
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 2, 2010, 12:55:28 PM    
It is not necessary to build the toolbox on Windows, because a complete Windows version is

> It looks great! However, I think for the atom version, the initial variable such as 
> TYPE_STRING are not loaded, so it wil return error that it was undefined variable. The
> zip version works fine.

I can not reproduce that bug. After all, the Windows version was created building the

I do not have access to a Linux machine so I can not provide a Linux version. Someone of
the Scilab team or a user who has a Linux computer should build the toolbox on Linux.
Answer from Chin Luh Tan -- March 2, 2010, 02:00:04 PM    
Hi, I am using windows and what i meant was:
1. When I download the zip file and unzip to the contrib folder, everything works fine.
2. When I was using atomsInstall(['IPD','3.2']) or from the module manager to install the 
IPD 3.2, I get the following error when I use some functions:

-->S = ReadImage('1.jpeg');
 !--error 4 
Undefined variable: TYPE_STRING

at line      30 of function ReadImage called by :  
S = ReadImage('1.jpeg');

and when I click on the IPD under demo, it gives:

demopath = IPD_PATH + 'demos\';
             !--error 4 
Undefined variable: IPD_PATH

at line      17 of exec file called by :    

at line      38 of function demo_gui_update called by :  
 %oldgcbo = gcbo; end;gcbo = getcallbackobject(22);script_path = demo_gui_update();exec
(script_path,-1);;if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo = %oldgcbo; else clear gcbo
while executing a callback

Answer from Harald Galda -- March 2, 2010, 11:20:00 PM    

I just tried downloading the toolbox using the Atoms GUI of Scilab 5.2.0 and 5.2.1. In
both cases the GUI of Scilab is disabled after closing and re-starting it.

A work around for this problem:

1. Delete all files in the .atoms directory.

2. Rename contrib\IPD\3.2\ -> contrib\IPD\IPD-3.2\

3. Move the directory IPD-3.2 from contrib\IPD\ to contrib\

Then the toolbox behaves normal and the demos work.
Comment from Harald Galda -- March 2, 2010, 12:26:01 PM    
This comment has been deleted.
Comment from Joseph Stevick -- March 3, 2010, 12:04:27 AM    
Hi there,

I have just loaded the IPD toolbox using Atoms, and believe that it has been correctly
installed, but the help files do not appear to have been included along with the library.
I hope this isn't a terribly inappropriate question for this list, but what is the best
way retrieve and install these help files? Thanks!

Answer from Harald Galda -- March 3, 2010, 09:04:45 AM    
The help files are included. In the Windows binary version the help is already built. The
source version contains the *.xml files only. But when the sources are built, the help is
automatically built, too.

Does your help directory contain a subdirectory called scilab_de_DE_help? If so, please
rename it to scilab_en_US_help.
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 3, 2010, 09:20:48 AM    
On my computer the name of the subdirectory does not even matter. I can load the help even
if I set the language of Scilab to US English in either Scilab 5.2.0 or 5.2.1. Sorry, I
have no work around for that problem. 
Answer from Joseph Stevick -- March 3, 2010, 06:00:12 PM    

Thanks for the response. The scilab_de_DE_help subdirectory does not appear in my help
directory at all. I did download the source version as well, to see if I could load the
.xml files separately, but that doesn't seem to work either. Thanks for looking into it.
I'll try some other ideas.

> On my computer the name of the subdirectory does not even matter. I can load the help
> even
> if I set the language of Scilab to US English in either Scilab 5.2.0 or 5.2.1. Sorry,
> I
> have no work around for that problem. 
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 3, 2010, 11:28:49 PM    
> Hi,
> Thanks for the response. The scilab_de_DE_help subdirectory does not appear in my help
> directory at all. I did download the source version as well, to see if I could load
> the
> .xml files separately, but that doesn't seem to work either. Thanks for looking into
> it.
> I'll try some other ideas.

I fixed this problem in version 3.3. In the previous version the jar directory was outside
the toolbox directory because of the help directory structure. I changed this so the jar
directory is inside the toolbox directory now.
Comment from Allan CORNET -- March 3, 2010, 06:13:31 AM    
Have you try to build your toolboox for Windows 64 version of Scilab ?

Answer from Harald Galda -- March 3, 2010, 09:06:52 AM    
> Have you try to build your toolboox for Windows 64 version of Scilab ?

The Windows binary package is built for Windows 32 bit version of Scilab.
Comment from guillaume sauzieres -- March 3, 2010, 04:39:14 PM    

I'm a beginner with scilab,I installed scilalb 5.2.1 and extracted IPD 3.2 in the folder
contrib,(it never worked using ATOMs program)but when running IPD I got this on my screan:

IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox 3.2   
link : Le fichier cxcore200.dll n'existe pas.
                      !--error 236 
link : La bibliothèque partagée n'a pas été chargée: Unknown Error
at line      18 of exec file called by :    
at line      21 of exec file called by :    
at line     131 of exec file called by :    
at line      12 of exec file called by :    
in  execstr instruction    called by :  
allbackobject(5);execstr(toolboxes(1));if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo = %ol
while executing a callback

What's wrong,did I installed it the right way?What should I do to fix this!
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 3, 2010, 11:34:36 PM    
> IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox 3.2   
> link : Le fichier cxcore200.dll n'existe pas.
> link('cxcore200.dll');
>                       !--error 236 
> link : La bibliothèque partagée n'a pas été chargée: Unknown Error

That must be a temporary problem. The installation does not require anything else but
extracting the ZIP.
Comment from guillaume sauzieres -- March 3, 2010, 05:13:54 PM    

I'm a beginner with scilab,I installed scilalb 5.2.1 and extracted IPD 3.2 in the folder
contrib,(it never worked using ATOMs program)but when running IPD I got this on my screan:

IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox 3.2   
link : Le fichier cxcore200.dll n'existe pas.
                      !--error 236 
link : La bibliothèque partagée n'a pas été chargée: Unknown Error
at line      18 of exec file called by :    
at line      21 of exec file called by :    
at line     131 of exec file called by :    
at line      12 of exec file called by :    
in  execstr instruction    called by :  
allbackobject(5);execstr(toolboxes(1));if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo = %ol
while executing a callback

What's wrong,did I installed it the right way?What should I do to fix this!
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 3, 2010, 06:08:19 PM    
What file did you download? Did you download the sources and build them or did you
download the complete package for Windows?

Is there a file


in the directory


or not?
Answer from guillaume sauzieres -- March 4, 2010, 02:54:03 PM    
I download the package for Windows and jr file cxcore200.dll is there!
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 4, 2010, 03:20:32 PM    
> I download the package for Windows and jr file cxcore200.dll is there!

That means that an error occured when the DLL was loaded. I do not know what caused that
error, though. Anyway, I am going to test the downloaded package on Scilab 5.1.1.
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 4, 2010, 03:31:23 PM    
> I download the package for Windows and jr file cxcore200.dll is there!

I just downloaded both IPD 3.2 and IPD 3.3 from and I was able to load
these versions into Scilab 5.2.1. Unfortunately I can not reproduce that bug.
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