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ATOMS : Image Processing Design Toolbox details
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Image Processing Design Toolbox

This toolbox implements functions for object detection.
(70518 downloads for this version - 307059 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 8.3.3
Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda
Owner Organization
private individual
Harald Galda
Pierre-Aime AGNEL
Creation Date
November 1, 2014
Source created on
Scilab 5.4.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.4.x:
macOS Linux 32-bit Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit Linux 64-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("IPD")
            IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox Version 8.3
Copyright (c) by Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda, 2009 - 2014.
Edited by Allan Cornet, 2012.
Conveyed under the conditions of the GNU GPL Version 3 or later.

This toolbox provides functions for designing and parameterizing image
processing algorithms. The following functionality is provided:

1. Histogram calculation
   - gray level histogram
   - cumulated histogram

2. Thresholding
   - segmentation by threshold
   - threshold calculation by Otsu method

3. Morphological filters
   - dilation
   - erosion
   - closing
   - opening
   - top hat
   - bottom hat

4. Median filter

5. Filtering for edge detection
    - Sobel filter
    - Laplace filter
    - Prewitt filter
    - Scharr filter

6. Region based segmentation (not on MacOS)
   - distance transform
   - watershed transform

7. Blob analysis
   - searching connected regions in binary images
   - removing blobs that have less pixels than a lower bound or more pixels
     than an upper bound
   - calculating specific properties of blobs such as bounding box, centroid
   - drawing bounding boxes around objects found in an image
   - calculating histogram of blob sizes
   - calculating cumulated histogram of blob sizes

8. Displaying images in figure windows
   - display
   - conversion of RGB to indexed images
   - conversion of indexed images to RGB 

9. Conversion between color images and gray level images
   - RGB    to  gray level
   - RGB    to  L*a*b* 
   - L*a*b* to  RGB 

10. Opening image and video files
   - reading image files
   - writing image files
   - reading video files

11. Linear filteration

12. Variance filter

13. Texture feature calculation
   - Laws texture energy
   - discrete Wavelet frames

14. Template Matching

15. Interactive Image Analysis GUI

Differences between versions 8.3 and 8.2:

- It is possible to build the toolbox on Linux and MacOS.
- The toolbox will be compatible to Scilab 5.4

This version uses OpenCV which is available for download at

If you intend to work with the file red-car-video.avi, please install the XVid
codec which is available for download at

The video red-car-video.avi can not be displayed on MacOS Yosemite and might be
replaced by another video in the future.            
Files (11)
[2.18 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Beschreibung auf Deutsch -- Description in German
[46.95 MB]
Source code archive
These are the most recent sources of IPD 8.3.2. The macro ShowImage.sci has been
adapted to Scilab 5.5.1 and the library files for MacOS have been replaced by
the most recent version of this library.
[47.86 MB]
macOS binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Package for MacOS, built with Scilab 5.5.1 and OpenCV 3.0 beta on MacOS Yosemite
[35.15 MB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Linux 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[21.91 MB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
This is the package for 32 Bit Windows. The Windows packages are not affected by
the most recent changes. 
[21.92 MB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
This is the 64 Bit Windows package. The Windows packages are not affected by the
most recent changes.
[35.15 MB]
Linux 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Linux 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[2.09 kB]
Miscellaneous file
Description in English
[3.23 kB]
Miscellaneous file
日本語の説明 -- description in Japanese
[3.85 MB]
Miscellaneous file
This document provides a simple introduction to image processing and shows how
to do image processing with Scilab and the Image Processing Design Toolbox.
[2.29 MB]
Miscellaneous file
Presentation about the Image Processing Design Toolbox held at the first German
Scilab conference in Esslingen on november 7th, 2014 (in German).
News (19)
Comments (12)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Samuel Gougeon -- March 3, 2015, 01:06:08 AM    
Surprisingly, IPD does not appear in the Image Processing Category in the ATOMS GUI
(Scilab 5.5.1 / win7_x64). However, it is listed in the GUI in the whole list of packages.
Since the tagged category looks right is the present page, this may be a GUI or server
Samuel Gougeon
Comment from Administrator ATOMS -- March 3, 2015, 09:45:49 AM    
I checked it on Scilab 5.5.1 / win8.1_x64 and ubuntu_x64 : IPD is present in the category
'Image Processing'.
Comment from Mike Smith -- March 19, 2015, 10:54:22 PM    
I really want to use IPD toolbox for Scilab.

But whenever i try to install it with "atomsInstall('IPD');"

I get a Checksum error:

atomsDownload: The downloaded file does not match the MD5SUM:
   - file      : 'C:\Users\Smith\AppData\Local\SCILAB~1.0\contrib\IPD\'
   - MD5SUM erwartet: '9e6d770fa514e19e000ead5cdec2xxxx'
   - MD5SUM ?berwacht: 'f982149668ac10b1071eb2eaa9bxxxx'
 !--error 10000 

at line     239 of function atomsDownload called by :  
at line     313 of function atomsInstall called by :  

Is there anything I can do to get the toolbox?

Thank you very much in Advamce!

Kind Regards, 
Comment from Roger Appleby -- March 24, 2015, 10:47:07 PM    
I am running Scilab 5.5.1 under Windows 7 using MKL libraries. I recently  installed and 
then uninstalled this toolbox 8.3.2. After removal I found that FFT would no longer work 
in scilab.
I therefore uninstalled and reinstalled Scilab but this had no effect. After 
investigating for a while I realised that the libraries had been reset to  ATLAS and as I 
had no idea how to reset Scilab to MKL I reinstalled with the ATLAS option and all is now 
working fine.

When IPDT is unistalled surely it should leave Scilab in its original configuration? Or 
at least a message should be given to state that the libraries have been irreversibly 
changed from MKL to ATLAS.

Let me know if you need any further information.


Roger A
Comment from muskan agarwal -- March 25, 2015, 03:51:35 AM    
 I am installing IPD toolbox and SIVP toolbox in scilab in xubuntu in Raspberry pi .

(1) When I am installing IPD toolbox using atoms following error occur:(I have also 
tried to create symbolic link )
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'IPD-8.3.2-1':
    addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: /home/ubuntu/.Scilab/scilab-
5.5.0/atoms/IPD/8.3.2-1/sci_gateway/cpp// cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory
(2) When I am installing IPD toolbox using source version of IPD (as I have already 
installed in ubuntu 14.04) then followin error occur:

Building the manual file [javaHelp] in /home/ubuntu/IPD/help/en_US.
 !--error 999 
buildDoc: Error while building documentation: Java heap space.
at line     696 of function xmltoformat called by :  
at line      17 of function xmltojar called by :  
at line      51 of function tbx_build_help called by :  
at line      18 of exec file called by :    

at line      13 of function tbx_builder called by :  
at line      49 of function tbx_builder_help_lang called by :  
at line      27 of exec file called by :    
at line      13 of function tbx_builder called by :  
at line      26 of function tbx_builder_help called by :  
at line      34 of function main_builder called by :  
at line      61 of exec file called by :    

                    !--error 999 
buildDoc: Execution Java stack:  at
 at org.scilab.modules.helptools.JarOnlyConverter.convert(Unknown Source)
 at org.scilab.modules.helptools.SciDocMain.process(Unknown Source)

                    !--error 999 
If Scilab is started in a chroot, you might want to try to set the two environment 
(3) If i am installing SIVP using atoms then it gives following error:-
The shared archive was not  cannot open shared object file: No 
such file or directory
(4) if i am installing SIVP using synaptic package manager then it shows installing 
but my code is not work ( imread and imshow not work).

Please give me some suggestions
Comment from Maciej Tatol -- October 20, 2015, 06:18:09 PM    
Version 8.3.2 has a bug that unable to install correctly (incorrect MD5). I use older
version - You can install it using this console command: atomsInstall( ["IPD"
"8.3.1"] )
Comment from Melody Guillaud -- March 31, 2016, 10:45:59 AM    

I tried to install IPD(version 5.0) on Scilab version (5.5.2)without a connexion on 
Internet. I wrote the two command atomsSetConfig("offLine","True") and
("path\")and closed Scilab. When I reopened Scilab I had a
that an error came during the loading of IPD-5.0 a variable is undefined: with_atlas.
What can I do? 
Comment from David Finley -- May 19, 2016, 03:01:47 AM    
I installed scilab 5.2.2 on my Macbook Pro 10.11.5, invoked atoms, installed IPD 8.3.2-0,
quit scilab, and restarted scilab.

In the IPD startup output, it printed the error message:
WARNING: Can not load dependencies (opencv 2.3.1 or more required).

That problem was due to IPD.startup, in the case of OS X, looking for opencv libraries in 

scilab/contrib/IPD/8.3.2-0/thirdparty/opencv/Darwin/x64/bin, but the package appropriately
has the libraries in x64/lib.

(In IPD 8.3, the OS X libraries were in x64/bin, in accord with the IPD.startup script).

I modified the IPD.startup script to link the libraries from x64/lib, and did not get the
opencv not > 2.3.1 error. However, I 
did get this error:

Start IPD - Image Processing Design
	Load macros
	Load dependencies
atomsLoad: An error occurred while loading 'IPD-8.3.2-0':
	link: The shared archive was not loaded: dlopen(/Applications/scilab-,
Library not loaded:
	  Referenced from:
	  Reason: image not found

I checked all the opencv library files with otool -L, and every opencv shared library
referenced inside the other libraries (82 
instances) listed the path as /Users/HaraldGalda/Downloads/opencv/DynamicLibs/lib.

In IPD 8.3 for OS X, rather than relative paths for shared opencv libraries, absolute paths
were also included:

So, two fixes are required for IPD 8.3.x to work under OS X:

  1) set the path definition in IPD.startup for x64/lib, rather than bin, and
  2) recompile the opencv dynamic libraries so shared opencv libraries are looked for in
the same directory as the opencv 
library in which they are invoked.

Comment from Harald Galda -- September 2, 2016, 09:49:24 PM    
On Scilab 5.5.1 and Mac OS El Capitan IPD is loaded properly. The demos do not work as
expected as the Scilab commands 
should be displayed, but the functions are operational. It seems there is a problem with
Scilab 5.5.2.
Comment from Harald Galda -- September 2, 2016, 09:51:50 PM    
The toolbox can not be loaded with Scilab 5.5.2 on Ubuntu LTS 14.04. It is the same problem
as with El Capitan.
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