Aerospace Blockset for Xcos provides palette of Xcos blocks with following
- Simulating and visualizing Earth's satellites trajectories
- Calculating position of celestial bodies (eg. Sun, Moon, Planets)
- Calculating and visualizing access times from ground stations to satellites
- Calculating and visualizing azimuth and elevation of satellite over ground
- Simulating Environmental condition (eg. atmospheric pressure in high
altitudes, magnetic field, atmospheric drag, solar drag, sun eclipses)
- Time frame, units and reference frame conversions
- Quaternion algebra and attitude representations
Changes in Aerospace Blockset v2.1 (bugfix/maintenance release)
This version of the blockset is designed to make Aerospace Blockset compatible
with newest stable releases of Scilab 5.5 and CelestLab 3.0.0. It is
substantially (typically 2-4 times) faster across the board than Aerospace
Blockset 2.0. Please check changelog for the detailed description. Some old
diagrams may not work, and need to be recreated using nev version. All users of
Scilab 5.5 are advised to upgrade.