--> atomsInstall("arduino")
This toolbox provides Arduino communication blocks for Xcos. You need to flash the arduino board with the following file: toolbox_arduino_v3.ino Communication is performed through Serial port. Only works under Windows platform.
Upload date : 2013-06-28 14:29:00 MD5 : a831361194f73191b88043d71be6f4a4 SHA1 : b044708cde53a287513c16b5ce6f262feb3035d2 Downloads : 4999 File list
Windows 32-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2013-06-28 15:01:07 MD5 : b0220c65eb1dda43824737082237aca2 SHA1 : d5bb024e14d8cd5705988f3dba0d181c8435478d Downloads : 14248 File list
Windows 64-bit Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain
Upload date : 2013-06-28 15:00:59 MD5 : 977592a55db8e886770b524438abb994 SHA1 : add20143abb79112b9509afbd6c1c160e4e39563 Downloads : 22654 File list
Upload date : 2016-05-11 14:37:09 MD5 : f3df470387db46e39b88242708f6646c SHA1 : 4a317b3feffb9e419863ee06d72ada11bed3733e Downloads : 23051
Upload date : 2016-05-11 14:37:41 MD5 : af2358b74331168237df3f6e0f30c6cf SHA1 : d0379937afefc6cc68b5e7560f9caa186e742fcb Downloads : 19348
This files has to be flashed in the arduino board
Upload date : 2016-05-25 21:15:28 MD5 : 5787f9ad31f3a60d2855d368c4d6eb16 SHA1 : d2cd22505ae863b77df6159ccdd048ee324cc993 Downloads : 6820
Hi I am very new with the ARDUINO toolbox and I have an issue that I can not flash my UNO board with the toolbox_arduino_v4 that is mentioned above I am using toolbox 1.6.2 it is installed in SCIlAB but when I open the toolbox_arduino_v4.ino file in the ARDUINO editor and flqash the board the IDE report error I2C.h no such file or directory the same report for the MPU6050 file . Please is there somewhere a simple tutorial how to do this flash programming and from where should I take this toolbox.ino file I have downloaded the toolbox-master from githum and inside is the toolbox_arduino_v4 aswell as 2 and 3 the strange thing is that the toolbox_arduino_v2 and toolbox_arduino_v3 compile and flash from the Arduino IDE but but v4 not however when running a XCOS schematic ann error is reportet that it needs toolbox v4 Please help me
Bonjour, Est-il possible d'adapter ce toolbox à n'importe quelle carte arduino ? Comment peut-on faire ? (arduino nano par exemple ) Cordialement
Yes, I executed as administrator. Do you have Arduinno toolbox in a windows 64 bits?
Are you sure that you have permissions to write in the directory you are working? Have you tried to execute scilab as administrator?
+ Download the latest version from http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/arduino/1.2 + Copy arduino folder into directory ~\contrib. + At beginning of scilab go to menu Modules and select Arduino. (You can recompile if necessary by executing builder.sce but I think it is not necessary.)
> + Download the latest version from http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/arduino/1.2 > + Copy arduino folder into directory ~\contrib. > + At beginning of scilab go to menu Modules and select Arduino. (You can recompile if > necessary by executing builder.sce but I think it is not necessary.) Hello Cristian, I followed your instructions but unfortunately I didn't have success. When I try to execute builder.sce Scilab exhibits the following error message: " exec('C:\Program Files\scilab-5.5.2\contrib\arduino\builder.sce', -1) !--error 10000 mkdir: Ocorreu um erro: Impossível criar diretório C:\Program Files\scilab- 5.5.2\contrib\arduino\images\h5 at line 27 of function main_builder called by : main_builder(); at line 51 of exec file called by : exec('C:\Program Files\scilab-5.5.2\contrib\arduino\builder.sce', -1) " Do you have more suggestions? Thank you very much Renato
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Hello, I am trying to follow the examples but I am unable to install the arduino toolbox on my windows 64. Usually I install selecting the "box" atoms in scilab but the box does not show the arduino toolbox in the list of toolboxes. I downloaded the file "arduino_1.1- 1.bin.x64.windows.zip" and unzippedbut after that I do not know what to do to install the tool box and follow the examples.
> I am trying to follow the examples but I am unable to install the arduino toolbox on my > > windows 64. Usually I install selecting the "box" atoms in scilab but the box > does not show the arduino toolbox in the list of toolboxes. arduino 1.4 is now available in the ATOMS manager for Windows users
any plans to port to linux and Mac
Big Thanks to Francisco-Ronay Lopez-estrada for this Linux version. It works like a charm ! Thx
I am new to Scilab interfacing to arduino. Can any one please provide guidance how to start using xcos interfacing with arduino. Currently have even trouble in blinking led on board. It mentions poor communication port. Thank you, with regards,
Sir, I am developing one toolbox currently, I want to know that is there any way to input a string to my block instead of a number?
For the problem with ports greater than 9. Windows: The best solution is just to change the port configuration in device manager. 1-. Go to device manager 2. click in properties 3. click port-setting--> advanced and change the port number Note that in some computers there are many Bluetooth devices attached to com 9-10, my recommendation is to uninstall these ports. For linux I made some modifications to run the V3, and also recognize port 0, just download the following file. It runs perfectly https://mega.co.nz/#!T1RynDrI!icxPWmHxbNhqPnIXpHr2wIxhipXWeNb0hRSDHu00RQQ See my other contributions https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/DeCaToKi https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/ADS_CoLiSyS
Dear all I'm new on SciLab. I'm working with load cells using arduino and need to get the signal real-time. As orthopaedic surgeon/biomechanics I have no experience with programming. Do you guys know anyone could help me? Thanks so much. Cesar
Try this, I am involved in release a new version of the toolbox with the permission and the support of the creators. By the time, you can use the beta versions instead : https://github.com/fizcris/Scilab_Xcos_arduino_toolbox_david_MPU6050 I hope it will be usefull for you.
> I am involved in release a new version of the toolbox with the permission and the > support of the creators. > > By the time, you can use the beta versions instead : > > https://github.com/fizcris/Scilab_Xcos_arduino_toolbox_david_MPU6050 toolbox_arduino_v4.ino is now shipped within the toolbox version >= 1.5 Thanks
I am trying to setup an rapid control prototyping with arduino and this package...but still i a m facing the error with v2 and v3 .... Error message..... il faut charger avec le sketch toolbox_arduino_v3.ino dans la carte arduino Error occurred in pre_xcos_simulate: Cancelling simulation. at line 50 of function ARDUINO_pre_simulate I have tried the below link to download v3 http://www.demosciences.fr/projets/scilab-arduino How to add this /install this package...just replacing in the scilab-5.5.1/atom/x64/arduino doesn't work....Kindly he me thanks in advance...
I'm trying to control in speed a dc motor at the moment and my aim is to have a sinusoidal speed in function of the time. So I guess that a sine command should work but actually I can get the motor to move. Have you already experienced such a motor motion with the toolbox ?
During this three months I have been using your Arduino code and Xcos blocs to perform my real time prototype systems (self-balancing robot) and I had some troubles reading and writing my elements through your code. I have no idea how to modify Xcos blocs and neither how to make a new ones. Then I was forced to do some modifications in the Arduino code to interact with my real elements.(IMU MPU 6050 with I2Cprotocol, two motor driver Pololu VNH5019?). I am writing you if you are interested in hear my troubles and solutions to introduce interesting updates in your Arduino code and Xcos toolboxes, it will be very useful for you and very helpful for the community.
I think I can help you. If you are still interested in this please contact me at jairo.rotava@gmail. I was working on the translation of the help and code. > During this three months I have been using your Arduino code and Xcos blocs to perform > my > real time prototype systems (self-balancing robot) and I had some troubles reading and > writing my elements through your code. > > I have no idea how to modify Xcos blocs and neither how to make a new ones. Then I was > forced to do some modifications in the Arduino code to interact with my real > elements.(IMU > MPU 6050 with I2Cprotocol, two motor driver Pololu VNH5019?). > > I am writing you if you are interested in hear my troubles and solutions to introduce > interesting updates in your Arduino code and Xcos toolboxes, it will be very useful for > you > and very helpful for the community.
> I have no idea how to modify Xcos blocs and neither how to make a new ones. Then I was > forced to do some modifications in the Arduino code to interact with my real > elements.(IMU > MPU 6050 with I2Cprotocol, two motor driver Pololu VNH5019�). > > I am writing you if you are interested in hear my troubles and solutions to introduce > interesting updates in your Arduino code and Xcos toolboxes, it will be very useful for > you and very helpful for the community. Yes, sure! You may open a ticket on the Scilab Arduino to describe the issue and propose a solution, and attach a zip file embedding your contribution. Thanks
> I think I can help you. If you are still interested in this please contact me at > jairo.rotava@gmail. > > I was working on the translation of the help and code. Do not hesitate to open a ticket on the Scilab Arduino forge and to post your contribution in attachment.
Hello Bruno, It would be fine to tag Arduino as well in the Xcos-blocks category. Thanks for all Samuel
> It would be fine to tag Arduino as well in the Xcos-blocks category. This is now done, for the version 1.4
La toolbox_arduino_V3 est ici sur le site www.demosciences.fr : http://www.demosciences.fr/projets/scilab-arduino Cordialement FW
I doing my final year under graduate project in interfacing Arduino with scilab. The help manual available in French language. I want the soft copy of help manual for interfacing scilab with Arduino in English language. So that i and my project mets can understand the Arduino Atom interfacing with scilab and it will be useful for my project also. with regards, [1]. J.Hariharasudhan [2]. K.Dineshkumar Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode Tamilnadu India
Mr JOFRET, Merci pour ces applications. J'ai un petit probl?me : dans SCILAB : on me demande de t?l?verser toolbox_arduino_V3 et ici, je ne trouve que la V2. J'ai t?l?vers? la V2, sait-on jamais, ?a ne marche pas. Pouvez-vous mettre la 3 en t?l?chargement svp? Cordialement, lionel ANDRE, merci.
> Mr JOFRET, > > Merci pour ces applications. J'ai un petit probl?me : dans SCILAB : on me demande de > t?l?verser toolbox_arduino_V3 et ici, je ne trouve que la V2. > J'ai t?l?vers? la V2, sait-on jamais, ?a ne marche pas. > Pouvez-vous mettre la 3 en t?l?chargement svp? > > Cordialement, lionel ANDRE, merci. Bonjour, Vous trouverez la V3 en entrant dans le sous fichier macro qui se trouve au m?me niveau que le dossier qui contient le .ino de la V2 Cordialement Anne-Laure Cheffot
Is there a possibility, to have higher comports than five? in my Windows- System, my Arduino Controller is available at Com Port 16 (USB). Is there a possibility to enter a higher Com Port as 5. Thanks Pascal B?hler
I guess you can change the port number under advance options on Control Panel - COMs. This should be the easiest way.
Is there a help file in english? If not, how can I translate it and replace the french one?
Thank you for the effort in writing this toolbox. It is a pity that this runs only on Windows. I am not a programmer but this can be resolved by defining the com port by its name(ie on a mac: /dec/ttyusbmodemfd121 or on a windows : com2) in stead of just a number. Would be a nice addition to this toolbox if it is available to mac and linux.
> Thank you for the effort in writing this toolbox. It is a pity that this runs only on > Windows. I agree. Using the serial package http://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/serial instead would - enable Arduino for Linux (but still not for Mac OS) - prevent all unstabilities coming from the Scilab linker: Almost for each new Scilab X.Y release, all packages having some gateway (with DLL for Windows) must be recompiled before being back usable in Scilab. One of the most uncomfortable bad features from Scilab. (there are other weird sources of unstabilities related to gateways. See for instance http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12674 Fortunately, scripts .sci are much more stable) Samuel Gougeon