CelestLab - CNES Space mechanics toolbox for Scilab
Version: 2.4.2
See also:
-> http://www.scilab.org/products/modules/pem/celestlab
for a brief description of CelestLab.
-> CelestLab help pages for how to use the library and initialize CelestLab
predefined variables.
-> "detailed_changelog.txt" in CelestLab home directory for more
details on the changes.
Version: 2.4.2 - July 27, 2012
- One bug fixed in CL_rot_quat2axAng (which sometimes returned a wrong rotation
- One new demo (in the "relative motion" section).
- Improvement/adaptation of the functions: CL_rot_quat2axAng, CL_rot_axAng2quat,
- The CelestLab menu has been extended.
Version: 2.4.1 - July 20, 2012
- A few minor changes, mostly the update of the detailed changelog
that was not exact.
- 2 new demos (relative motion and Hohmann <-> continuous thrust)
- Improvement of the functions: CL_cw_Mmatrix and CL_cw_Nmatrix
Version: 2.4.0 - July 10, 2012
This version is a "minor" version that includes a few improvements.
The main features (in comparison with 2.3.0) are:
- 11 new functions:
CL_man_applyDvKep, CL_man_dvApsidesLine, CL_man_dvBiElliptic,
CL_man_dvHohmannG, CL_man_dvIncRaanCirc, CL_man_dvInc, CL_man_dvSma
CL_gm_orbSphTriangle, CL_op_equatorialSwath, CL_integrate, CL_home
The interfaces of the new maneuver functions (CL_man_dv...) are such that:
- the delta-v (sum of norms) is systematically returned as 1st argument
- the delta-v vectors are now returned in cartesian coordinates
- 7 new demos
(about: solar zenith angle, satellite local time, Sun elevation on earth,
inclination maneuvers)
- A few functions improved:
CL_dat_utc2tai, CL_dat_tai2utc...
- A few bugs fixed:
CL_man_hohmannG, CL_man_inclination, CL_man_lambert, CL_ex_lyddaneInfos.
A major bug in CL_rot_angularVelocity had an impact on some frame
transformations (limited impact in practice).
- Minor interface changes:
"obl" argument in CL_fr_ter2topoN and CL_fr_topoN2ter becomes
"conv" argument in some frame conversion functions changed to
- Some functions from the "Utilities" folder have been moved to a new
folder: "Math".
The CelestLab overview help page now contains links to external pages about
- A total of 16 functions are now deprecated.
They will issue a warning message in CelestLab v3.x,
and will be permanently deleted in CelestLab v4.0.
The deprecated functions have been grouped in a section (library) called