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ATOMS : uman - Unified user MANual details
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uman - Unified user MANual

Help pages in console, with language switch, redirections, list of related bugs, summaries...
(3024 downloads for this version - 73571 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.5 exists: 2.0.5
Owner Organization
private individual
Samuel Gougeon
Creation Date
April 8, 2015
Source created on
Scilab 5.5.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("uman")
            uman.. is a Unified User MANual displayer, displaying help pages in console,
with advanced features such that language switching, summaries, or display of
known bugs related to the query.

Help (en):
Help (fr):

* Display help pages as text in the console. Can also call the help browser, or
your web browser to target the same page online. A single command for all
possible displayers.

* Help pages from Scilab, ATOMS modules, other external modules, and heading
comments in functions are supported. No need to load external modules in session
to view their pages in console.
* Focus on main infos: Related help section, calling sequences, parameters, see
also. Be free to display one or several additional sections of the page on
request: description, examples, history... Or get the list of functions within
the same help chapter (summary)...
* Switch to any language version without changing the session's language: Just
give the language code en | de | fr | ja | pt | ru | zh in option, and you get
the page! Esay access to the reference en_US version of the page.
* Smart text layout in console. Nested lists of items, tables, pieces of codes,
notes and warnings, text styles.. are supported. Improved code style of calling
sequences and examples.

* Almost 200 automatic redirections for users coming from other softwares:
Search for atan2 leads to.. atan.
* Switch to online pages, with redirection and language facilities. See users
comments posted on the online page.
* Check the forge: List documented bugs related to the query, for Scilab and
many ATOMS packages.

* Thanks to the ATOMS GUI: 
  - Enter: atomsGui
  - Look for and select "uman". Install it.
  - quit and restart Scilab
  - enter: atomsInstall("uman")
  - quit and restart Scilab
* by hand:
  - Download "" from here  

  - uncompress the uman directory into your SCI/contrib/ directory 
    or into the SCIHOME/contrib/ one
    Now, SCI/contrib/uman/ or SCIHOME/contrib/uman/ exists.

  - load uman: enter
    exec("SCI/contrib/uman/loader.sce", -1) // or from SCIHOME instead
of SCI

uman HELP: enter uman uman
Files (2)
[67.05 kB]
Source code archive

[150.81 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x
Binary version
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

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