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ATOMS : uman - Unified user MANual details
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uman - Unified user MANual

Help pages in console, with language switch, redirections, list of related bugs, summaries...
(2878 downloads for this version - 74466 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version with binaries for Scilab 5.5 exists: 2.0.5
Owner Organization
private individual
Samuel Gougeon
Creation Date
June 6, 2015
Source created on
Scilab 5.5.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("uman")
            uman.. is a Unified User MANual displayer, displaying help pages in console,
with advanced features such that language switching, summaries, or display of
known bugs related to the query.

Help (en):
Help (fr):

 * A single function to target and display contents in the console, in the
   help browser, as well as online (help, bugzilla, atoms, forge, or even
   external websites).
 * Just give a language code en | de | fr | ja | pt | ru | zh in option, and
   you get the right version of the page in the console or online. No need
   to change the session language. Watching the reference en_US version of
   the page is now straightforward, without leaving your locales.
 * Just display main infos in brief: path in help, calling sequences,
   parameters, See also. And be free to display more on request:
   description, examples, history, parent ToC... Or display the whole page
   with the "a" option.
 * Are you used to use another scientific language? Almost 200 automatic
   redirections will help you targeting the right Scilab equivalence. Other
   handy shortcuts are also defined for all users.
 * Stucked with a bug? The "wb" option let's you list documented ones
   related to the faulty entry, in two seconds, for Scilab and many ATOMS
   packages. Online users comments have never been so reachable.
 * Help pages from Scilab, installed ATOMS modules (no need to load them), 
   from other external modules, and heading comments in functions are covered. 
   More than 50 external references available on the Scilab FileExchange can 
   also be addressed.
 * Last but not least: get a smart text layout in console. Nested lists of
   items, tables, pieces of codes, notes and warnings, text styles.. are
   supported. The code style of calling sequences and examples is also

* Thanks to the ATOMS GUI: 
  - Enter: atomsGui
  - Look for and select "uman". Install it.
  - quit and restart Scilab
  - enter: atomsInstall("uman")
  - quit and restart Scilab	  

uman HELP: enter uman uman
Files (2)
[62.99 kB]
Source code archive
CHANGES 1.1 => 1.2 (2015-06-06)
  * uman  did not work with Scilab 6.
  * uman $ wb  yielded a java exception.
  * uman gpib  failed without proposing using the "w" option.
  * Windows: unzipping help archives was not quiet in the consolebox.
  * uman int16 w  did not target the int8 online page instead.
  * uman  wb did not display entries ended by .
  * uman who wb  displayed also bugs related to 'who_user'.
  * Added redirections: range (x), fzero, inpolygon, std, var, cummax, cummin, 
     circshift, histcounts, orderfields
  * uman optim : the section 'Example : Passing extra parameters'  was 
     displayed as Parameters section with title 'Parameters'. 
  * uman metanet s: with metanet 0.6.2-2, there was an extra \n after each line
  * uman tokens e: '=' became erroneously ' = '
  * Unprotected '<' literal characters in the optim's page made uman crashing.
    See also
  * No ressources out of ATOMS and FileExchange were registered for 'w' 
     targeting: int4sci and GPIB added.
  * No ressources from FileExchange were registered. More than 40 selected
     functions on FileExchange are now addressable: bezier, contour3d, cshift, 
     ellipfit, git, struct2json, etc.
  * List of ATOMS modules updated. 
  * 'r': only the page of the pattern, in the queried language, was 
     refreshed (instead of pages of all external packages in all languages)
  * By default, uman's output was written in open diaries and paused with 'j',
    instead of being ignored unless 'j' is used.
  * For an undocumented pattern, "g" was not used
  * For an undocumented pattern, "w" canceled by "s" was not used
  * uman "unknown pattern" w  called the web browser twice
  * functions grabbed on the fileExchange or other sites and inline-documented
     could not be web-referenced and targeted by uman with 'w' and 'wb' options
  * 'wb': for ATOMS without forge or other contrib packages, bugzilla was 
     targeted instead of the comment's section of the ATOMS page or the 
     dedicated website.
  * There was no separating blank line after any code sample
  * The output width was up-bounded only by the console width. Now max 100-char
  * Extra empty or blank lines at the end of a section were not removed
  * Summary in ja_JP: when the short description was unbreakable and long, it
     was displayed on the next line, leaving the first line empty.
  * 's' option was canceled by 'w' (instead of canceling 'w' by 's')
  * Items of the 'See also' section were not aligned at all.
  * Summaries: alignment of short items improved.
  * Help pages updated

[150.19 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x

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