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uman - User manual in console + advanced features

User manual in console. Advanced multimodal and multilingual Scilab documentation
(10402 downloads for this version - 78099 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 3.2
Owner Organization
private individual
Samuel Gougeon
Creation Date
August 22, 2019
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.5.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("uman")
uman.. displays Scilab and ATOMS help pages in the console or online (in any
chosen language), selects and displays bugs reports or messages posted on the
mailing lists related to a given item. It makes life easier for newcomers coming
from Octave or Matlab, and has other advanced features.


 * uman configuration through a Preferences GUI.
 * Automatic management of ATOMS resources.
 * The documentation of removed functions can now be addressed.
 * New "p" option to display the Parameters section.
 * 4 new configuration parameters:
   - Allow wide tables
   - See also: compact list
   - Hyperlinks display style
   - List only unresolved bugs
 * 75 redirections / references added.
 * Internal: unit tests added (> 100 tests) 

Online HELP pages

 uman       — User manual in console, online, or help browser, with 
               language switch and related bugs & messages.
 uman .. g  — Displays the item's documentation in the help browser.
 uman .. @  — Selects informations from Scilab mailing lists.
 uman .. w  — Shows the online help page or the reference web page 
               of an item.
 uman .. b  — Shows bugs reported on Scilab bugzilla or forge bugs 
              trackers, or as ATOMS comments
 disp_usage — Displays allowed syntaxes to call a given function.

"uman" allows to easily select, grab and display information
 * from embedded Scilab help pages,
 * from pages of installed ATOMS modules,
 * from heading comments in local user-defined functions,
 * from pages of other external modules, packed in .jar archives,
 * from pages of former removed Scilab functions,
 * from the online Scilab help pages and search engine,
 * from ATOMS web pages and their comments,
 * from online Scilab forges,
 * from Scilab FileExchange pages,
 * from Scilab's bugs tracker,
 * from archives of all official Scilab mailing lists,
 * and from other external web sites presenting Scilab resources.

Do not care where the required information is: uman gets it from the right place
and displays it for you: In the console, in the help browser, or in your
internet browser for online resources, it's up to you.

The default factory settings of uman do not match your most frequent needs? uman
has a comprehensive set of configuration parameters, easy to set in the uman
Preferences interface. You will always be able to easily override them with
compact command-line options.

No need to view the whole help page. Just choose information that you want to
display: only usages (syntaxes) and See also. Or more: parameters, description,
examples, history, table of contents of the item's help section.. If really the
whole page must be displayed, the "a" option will do it.

You use to code in Octave language? Specify the Octave term you have in mind :
More than 220 automatic redirections will target and display the closest Scilab
equivalences. Other handy shortcuts are also defined for all users.

Just give a language code en | de | fr | ja | pt | ru | zh in option, and you
get the right version of the help page in the console or online. No need to
change the session language. Watching the reference en_US english version of the
page is now straightforward, without leaving your locales.

The item of your query is a deprecated feature that has been removed from
Scilab? uman will tell it to you, and may anyway display its former help page,
online, or in the console or the help browser (provided that the
complementary module gathering pages of removed features is installed).

You think that you met a bug? Check it with the "b" option, that will
nicely list online documented bugs related to your query, possibly with filters
(reporter's name, category, max age of last reports update), for Scilab and many
ATOMS packages. Online users comments are as well directly reachable..

No need to load modules in the Scilab session. Even the documentation of
packages that do not run under your Operating System can be viewed and displayed
in the console.

Want to efficiently probe mailing lists, for some items, or some authors, on
some given period? "uman" does it easily for you from the console.

Files (5)
[532.00 kB]
Source code archive

[742.55 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 5.5.x

[830.13 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[830.22 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x

[304.88 kB]
Miscellaneous file
uman 3.0 - Release notes
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