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GUI Builder

A Graphic User Interface Builder
(44556 downloads for this version - 163062 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 4.2.3
Tan Chin Luh
David Violeau
Owner Organization
Trity Technogy , Lycee Saint Louis
Administrator ATOMS
Chin Luh Tan
Clément DAVID
Creation Date
December 1, 2017
Source created on
Scilab 6.0.x
Binaries available on
Scilab 6.0.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Scilab 6.1.x:
Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS
Install command
--> atomsInstall("guibuilder")
            GUI Builder is a Graphic User Interface Builder  under Scilab.

The program allows you to build your GUI quickly, and the code for the gui would
be generated automatically.

Version 4.2.1 (1 Dec 2017) by Tan CL
	* Bug fix : Fix issue of hidden figure when open existing gui from menu item.

Version 4.2 (1 Dec 2017) by Tan CL
	* Typo Fix : Changed the version number display on the guibuilder palette 
	* Warning Fix : Fix the warning during reloading the generated GUI

 Version 4.1 (5 May 2017) by Tan CL
 	* Bug Fix : Fix the issue of error during reloading the generated GUI

Version 4.0.1 (21 Feb 2017) by Tan CL
 	* Bug Fix : Fix the issue of axes not shown on generated GUI
	* Bug Fix : Changes on folder version name and some descriptions updates

Version 4.0 (17 Feb 2017)
	* Update : To work with Scilab 6.0
	* Change : Change the way creating figure to make have better visual appearace
when the GUI launched
	* Change : Created GUI now a pure figure with no menu, toolbar, etc...  to get
the WYSIWYG effect from the design view to the actual view.

Version 3.0 (17 May 2014)
	* Updates : To work with Scilab 5.5

Version 2.3 (16 January 2012) by David Violeau
	* Feature : ask confirmation before create a new GUI or open an existing one
	* Feature : posibility to move by 4 buttons a group of buttons

Version 2.2 (17 November 2011) - New 2.2 features have been contributed by David

	* Feature : Close user figure and create a new one
	* Feature : Open existing interface by clicking on Open and select a file
	* Feature : Save and rewrite existing functions when you open a file
	* Feature : Add a new menu - Alignments in order to align vertically or
horizontally handles, and also adapt their size
	* Feature : select more than one entity
	* Feature : automatic writing of parameters of the figure (you select the
colour, size, position of the figure and it is used for the user interface)
	* Feature : main menus of Guibuilder depending on the language (Edit->
Edition in French...)

Version 2.1-3 (12 July 2011)
1. Bug Fix : Space in the x_dialog default string (guibuilder)
2. Bug Fix : handles string vector in listbox and popupmenu (guicontrolcreate,
3. Bug Fix : Bug when deleting the last remaining object on figure (guibuilder)
4. Feature : Grid on the layout window (guibuilder)
5. Feature : Better Appearance in pallettes (guibuilder)

Version 2.1-2 (13 Mar 2011)
1. Bug Fix : Change "uipropsedit" function which try to change Style
properties of uicontrol object after creation. 

Version 2.1 (10 Mar 2011)
1. Bug Fix : Inserting uicontrol style into the generated code
2. New : Launch GUI once done

Version 2.0 New Features (20th Dec 2010)
1. Creating GUI graphically, including 9 types of uicontrols and axes.
2. User is allowed to modify most of the properties of an object via new
properties editor.
3. User is able to modify the gui created by guibuilder 2.0, by importing the
previous sce with syntax "guibuilder('filename.sce');"

Version 1.1 New Features
1. Changes of size, position, and object deletion could be done interactively
p/s: Thanks Dave for contributing ideas. 

Version 1.0 limitation
1. The output GUI size is fixed
2. During the design, the user only have 1 chance to place the uicontrol. There
are no way to resize, modify the properties, or undo the previous operation. All
changes only could be done in the generated code.
3. Limited properties are user-defined
	a. Tag - Used as the pointer to the uicontrol
	b. String - Used as the display name at certains uicontol
	c. Callback - Whether the uicontrol needs a callback, if yes, the callback name
would use the Tag + _callback.

Files (3)
[180.36 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.1.x
Modified for Scilab 6.1
[183.74 kB]
OS-independent binary for Scilab 6.0.x

[71.97 kB]
Source code archive

News (0)
Comments (15)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Ron Wensley -- February 27, 2018, 09:41:29 PM    

Are there plans, I hope, to make the uicontrol strings more readable by formatting them 
into the standard format?

Thank you,
Comment from Chin Luh Tan -- March 2, 2018, 01:36:26 PM    
hi, do you mind to explain more about this? I am not too sure what were you referring to.


Comment from Ron Wensley -- March 5, 2018, 05:34:36 PM    

The present program generates code for UI controls in this format

f = figure("figure_position",[400, 50],"figure_size",
[1280,980],"infobar_visible" ,"off","toolbar_visible" ,
"off","menubar_visible" ,"off","me

Identification', "visible","off");

It would be more useful and more readable if it was generated in this format.

f = figure("figure_position" ,[400, 50], ...
           "figure_size"     ,[1280, 980], ...         
           "infobar_visible" , "off",...
           "toolbar_visible" , "off",...
           "menubar_visible" , "off",...
           "menubar"         , "none",...
           "auto_resize"     ,"on", ...
           "background"      ,[33], ...
           "figure_name"     ,'System Identification', ...
           "visible"         , "off");

Thank you,
Comment from Chin Luh Tan -- March 8, 2018, 02:17:36 AM    
noted, will put it in to the list.

Comment from Noridayu Adnan -- April 2, 2018, 05:29:23 AM    
Hi, I've tried to do the GUI for real-time monitoring, but it didn't work as what I set. 
Can you help me for this? Fyi, I am a newbie for this Scilab.
Comment from Ron Wensley -- April 2, 2018, 04:17:20 PM    

If you can share your application it would help.

Comment from Bruno Bernardino -- June 24, 2018, 11:22:46 PM    
I am having some trouble. When I try to create an "Axes", the figure won't show
up and
Scilab's console says 
"!--error 999 
xrect: Tamanho incorreto para o 1º argumento de entrada: esperava-se 5.
at line      18 of function draw_uicontrol10 called by :  
cbo = getcallbackobject(167);draw_uicontrol10(handles);if exists("%oldgcbo") then
gcbo =
%oldgcbo; else clear
while executing a callback"

"Tamanho incorreto para o 1º argumento de entrada: esperava-se 5" would stand
for "Wrong
size for first argument of entrance: expecting 5"

Can you please help me?
Answer from Chin Luh Tan -- June 26, 2018, 08:21:18 AM    
please provide more information on your OS, scilab version, guibuilder version, how u 
install guibuilder, etc.


Comment from Bendangkokba Jamir -- July 2, 2018, 02:35:41 PM    
I can't install this toolbox nor any other toolbox on my scilab 6.0.1. It shows unable to
save the file every time I try to download it. I'm using ubuntu 18. Please help me out
Comment from Bendangkokba Jamir -- July 2, 2018, 04:59:32 PM    
I can't install this toolbox nor any other toolbox on my scilab 6.0.1. It shows unable to
save the file every time I try to download it. I'm using ubuntu 18. Please help me out
Answer from Chin Luh Tan -- July 9, 2018, 06:18:12 PM    
may be you might want to check the user's right? or may be try to run Scilab under sudo?

Comment from Bruno Bernardino -- July 18, 2018, 05:20:16 PM    

I am having some trouble while programming my GUI. I need to extract a numeric value from
the String in one of my Edit Boxes but I did not have succes. 

Can you please help me?
Answer from Bruno Bernardino -- July 18, 2018, 05:55:49 PM    
> Greetings,
> I am having some trouble while programming my GUI. I need to extract a numeric value
> from
> the String in one of my Edit Boxes but I did not have succes. 
> Can you please help me?

Upon further tests, I discovered that if i type on Scilab console
x=get(handles.editSomething,'String'), it will upadate my base workspace. But when I do it
in Sci Notes, it won't.

Do you have any ideas of what might be happennig?
Answer from Chin Luh Tan -- July 19, 2018, 08:25:23 AM    
try press enter in your edit box after u enter something in it before clicking on other 
uicontrol to get the string from it. 
Answer from Bruno Bernardino -- July 19, 2018, 04:28:17 PM    
> try press enter in your edit box after u enter something in it before clicking on
> uicontrol to get the string from it. 

I have tried this several times. Here is a test in which I test the commands I am using in
my final GUI. Could you possibly point out what I am doing wrong?

// This GUI file is generated by guibuilder version 3.0
gráfica número %d');
handles.dummy = 0;

// Callbacks are defined as below. Please do not delete the comments as it will be used in
coming version

function editAerofolio_callback(handles)
    Aerofolio = get(handles.editAerofolio,'String');

Comment from Pradeep Kumar -- July 31, 2018, 07:41:57 AM    


Please tell me on how to install GUIBuilder on systems without access to internet. 

Pradeep Kumar
Comment from same22 scilabuser22 -- December 13, 2018, 11:45:53 AM    
I've found a bug in this tool.

When adding a text that has a ] as the last character in the string the program will not 
properly end the string with a ' in the code.


should be this:  'String',' y [mm]','Style','text'

output is this:  'String',' y [mm],'Style','text'
Comment from Stefan Strasser -- October 7, 2019, 09:11:58 AM    
Nice tool!

The link
is broken and leads to a "403 - Forbidden"-page.

When creating a GUI with guibuilder 4.2.1, it is not possible to set a frame as
so that the items inside the frame are visible and usable. (Maybe it is not described 
somewhere in the documentation).
Comment from Prasanna Antakanavar -- January 8, 2020, 03:27:35 PM    
I need a table of contents as input from the 
user in GUI plz help me do that.
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