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ATOMS : Image Processing Design Toolbox details
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Image Processing Design Toolbox

This toolbox implements functions for object detection.
(56821 downloads for this version - 309429 downloads for all versions)
A more recent valid version exists: 8.3.3
Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda
Owner Organization
private individual
Harald Galda
Creation Date
July 19, 2012
Source created on
No source archive has been provided for this toolbox version.
Binaries available on
Scilab 5.4.x:
Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit Linux 32-bit
Install command
--> atomsInstall("IPD")
            IPD - Image Processing Design Toolbox Version 8.3
Copyright (c) by Dr. Eng. (J) Harald Galda, 2009 - 2011.
Edited by Allan Cornet, 2012.
Conveyed under the conditions of the GNU GPL Version 3 or later.

This toolbox provides functions for designing and parameterizing image
processing algorithms. The following functionality is provided:

1. Histogram calculation
   - gray level histogram
   - cumulated histogram

2. Thresholding
   - segmentation by threshold
   - threshold calculation by Otsu method

3. Morphological filters
   - dilation
   - erosion
   - closing
   - opening
   - top hat
   - bottom hat

4. Median filter

5. Filtering for edge detection
    - Sobel filter
    - Laplace filter
    - Prewitt filter
    - Scharr filter

6. Region based segmentation
   - distance transform
   - watershed transform

7. Blob analysis
   - searching connected regions in binary images
   - removing blobs that have less pixels than a lower bound or more pixels
     than an upper bound
   - calculating specific properties of blobs such as bounding box, centroid
   - drawing bounding boxes around objects found in an image
   - calculating histogram of blob sizes
   - calculating cumulated histogram of blob sizes

8. Displaying images in figure windows
   - display
   - conversion of RGB to indexed images
   - conversion of indexed images to RGB 

9. Conversion between color images and gray level images
   - RGB    to  gray level
   - RGB    to  L*a*b* 
   - L*a*b* to  RGB 

10. Opening image and video files
   - reading image files
   - writing image files
   - reading video files

11. Linear filteration

12. Variance filter

13. Texture feature calculation
   - Laws texture energy
   - discrete Wavelet frames

14. Template Matching

15. Interactive Image Analysis GUI

Differences between versions 8.3 and 8.2:

- It is possible to build the toolbox on Linux and MacOS.
- The toolbox will be compatible to Scilab 5.4

This version uses OpenCV 2.31 which is available for download at

If you intend to work with the file red-car-video.avi, please install the XVid
codec which is available for download at
Files (4)
[22.07 MB]
Windows 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Windows 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[22.08 MB]
Windows 64-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Windows 64-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[35.15 MB]
Linux 32-bit binary for Scilab 5.4.x
Linux 32-bit
Automatically generated by the ATOMS compilation chain

[3.85 MB]
Miscellaneous file
A simple introduction to image processing based on Scilab.
News (19)
Comments (14)     Leave a comment 
Comment from Lutz Winkelmann -- July 24, 2012, 08:13:45 AM    
Hello Simon, Hello Mr. Galda, 

Thank you for compiling IPD for 5.4. It works great, but it still has the memory leak.
I was able to nail the problem down to SearchBlobs, which constantly fills the memroy and
does not re-allocate the used space anymore. 
Unfortunately I was not able to find the macro or function related to SearchBlobs in the
IPD folder. Is it an external function? Using Scilab 5.4 and IPD 8.3.1-1 I still can't
open and process more than 20 pictures in a row. I tried to clear all unused variables to
free some memory, but it keeps on filling up the memory pretty quickly. 

Further more I found some minor issue in 8.3.1-1 with 5.4, I can't open tif images any
more. That's not of a big deal to me and might be related to the changes in Scilab 5.4.

Thank you for your help and for the great IPD module.
Keep up the good work.


Answer from Harald Galda -- July 28, 2012, 07:24:30 PM    
Hello Lutz Winkelmann,

the sources reside in the archive

SearchBlobs is not a Scilab macro but a function implemented in C++.

Best regards
Harald Galda
Comment from lalith kumar -- August 7, 2012, 02:04:58 PM    
Whenever i write some image processing code in scilab, it show somme error
I have not installed the IPD toolbox.
how to install IPD toolbox?
Answer from Administrator ATOMS -- September 27, 2012, 10:04:19 AM    
> Whenever i write some image processing code in scilab, it show somme error
> I have not installed the IPD toolbox.
> how to install IPD toolbox?
Comment from Manoj Gudi -- October 20, 2012, 05:35:52 PM    
 I tried compiling IPD on Ubuntu system using scilab5.3.3 and I was getting following
error using builder.sce

In file included from DistanceTransform.cpp:20:0:
ScilabToIplImage.h: In function 'void ScilabToIplImage(IplImage**, GrayValueType*, TUInt,
TUInt, TUInt, int, int, TUChar)':
ScilabToIplImage.h:50:10: error: 'sci_matrix' was not declared in this scope
ScilabToIplImage.h:57:10: error: 'sci_boolean' was not declared in this scope
ScilabToIplImage.h:64:10: error: 'sci_ints' was not declared in this scope

I had to go to /tmp/SCIXXX  and include an extra header "sci_types.h" in
along with copying few other header files. Following this I compiled successfully.

I tried this on all types of debian system, and found the same error. Is this a bug? Do I
need to patch builder.sce?

Manoj G 

Answer from Harald Galda -- October 22, 2012, 09:57:46 AM    

I do not have a Linux machine so do not know whether the toolbox can be compiled on Linux.

Can you send me the modified ScilabtoIplImage.h please? My e-mail address is

Harald Galda

> Hello,
>  I tried compiling IPD on Ubuntu system using scilab5.3.3 and I was getting following
> error using builder.sce
> In file included from DistanceTransform.cpp:20:0:
> ScilabToIplImage.h: In function 'void ScilabToIplImage(IplImage**, GrayValueType*,
> TUInt,
> TUInt, TUInt, int, int, TUChar)':
> ScilabToIplImage.h:50:10: error: 'sci_matrix' was not declared in this scope
> ScilabToIplImage.h:57:10: error: 'sci_boolean' was not declared in this scope
> ScilabToIplImage.h:64:10: error: 'sci_ints' was not declared in this scope
> I had to go to /tmp/SCIXXX  and include an extra header "sci_types.h" in
> ScilabtoIPImage.h
> along with copying few other header files. Following this I compiled successfully.
> I tried this on all types of debian system, and found the same error. Is this a bug?
> I
> need to patch builder.sce?
> Regards,
> Manoj G 
Comment from Anil Kumar Pandey -- December 20, 2012, 03:01:52 PM    
I am new to scilab. I want to work in Image processing area with Scilab. I have installed 
Scilab. I have downloaded the file,zip and have kept in separate 
folder C:\scilab\.

I do not understand how to install, I have used winzip program but also do not know the 
folder where it need to be extraxted. 

I want to execute the commands written in the tutorial.pdf.


Answer from Administrator ATOMS -- December 20, 2012, 03:15:17 PM    

As written in the top of this page ("How to install"), you just need to launch
Scilab and 
execute the command
If you downloaded the 5.4.0 version of Scilab, it will automatically download the latest 
version of IPD and install it. Afterwards, either you restart Scilab or you execute
(once installed, a module is automatically loaded at the start of Scilab).

For more help about ATOMS functions, you may take a look at which contains all the necessary info.


> Hello!
> I am new to scilab. I want to work in Image processing area with Scilab. I have
> installed 
> Scilab. I have downloaded the file,zip and have kept in separate

> folder C:\scilab\.
> I do not understand how to install, I have used winzip program but also do not know
> folder where it need to be extraxted. 
> I want to execute the commands written in the tutorial.pdf.
> Regards
> Anil
Comment from Dave Langstaff -- February 4, 2013, 03:19:35 PM    

I've updated IPD to version 8.3-2 and the help file all seems to be written in Chinese or 
Japanese characters ?

Any idea how this may be ?
Answer from Harald Galda -- March 16, 2013, 07:57:10 PM    
If you download and install the most recent version, the online help language will be  
chosen based on the default language of Scilab:

Default language    Online help language
English             English
Japanese            Japanese
German              German
other               English
Comment from Manoj Gudi -- March 16, 2013, 08:02:15 PM    
I'm working on OCR(Optical Character Recognition) code using Scilab-IPD
I felt some functions IPD is lacking like SkeletonizeImage(based on Medial Axis
Transform), HitOrMiss Transform (I will be adding Thinning Image and SkeletonImage pruning
function shortly...
Please pickup it from here if you think its appropriate:
Comment from Derrien Steven -- April 3, 2013, 07:25:21 PM    

I am trying to build and use IPD on a Linux machine (Ubuntu natty 32 bits). I am not very
experienced with scilab, so I am not sure how to proceed and I am now a bit lost. Here is
what I did so far.

I downlaod the IPD source and extracted them in my scilab distribution in the contirb


I underssood that I had to build the bindings and hence run the builder script in the
folder indicated above with (apparent) success.

-->exec builder.sce
Création des macros...
 Building macros  in /opt/scilab-5.4.0/share/scilab/contrib/IPD/8.3.1-2/macros/   
-- Création de [ipdlib] (Macros) --
Création de la passerelle...
Génération de loader_gateway.sce...
Génération de cleaner_gateway.sce...
Création des fichiers d'aide...

Génération du document maître :

Génération du fichier d'aide [javaHelp] in SCI/contrib/IPD/8.3.1-2/help/de_DE.
Total files without example: 52
Total generated html files: 55

Building the master document:

Building the manual file [javaHelp] in SCI/contrib/IPD/8.3.1-2/help/en_US.

Building the master document:

Building the manual file [javaHelp] in SCI/contrib/IPD/8.3.1-2/help/ja_JP.
Total files without example: 52
Total generated html files: 55
Generating loader.sce...
Generating unloader.sce...
Generating cleaner.sce...

After building I tried loading the module by using the command

->exec loader.sce;
Start IPD - Image Processing Design

From there I woudl expect to be able to use IPD functions such as ReadImage or see the IPD
documentation available in the help menu, but non of this is possible.

Did I miss some obvious step ?

Thank you very much in advance,

Steven Derrien

Comment from dominic pritham -- May 21, 2013, 10:07:36 AM    
Hello All:

I have a very dumb question but please help me.

I downloaded from above, into my downloads folder.

I get the following error:
-->global IPD_PATH;
-->RGB = ReadImage(IPD_PATH + 'demos\teaset.png');
                                               !--error 4 
Undefined variable: ReadImage

Can someone please tell me what my mistake is?

Again, very sorry for asking such a basic question :(

Thank you,
Dominic Pritham
Comment from muskan agarwal -- July 25, 2014, 09:51:45 AM    
    IPD Toolbox is not downloaded in ubuntu. please guide me
Thanks and Regards
Comment from Maria Henriques -- August 4, 2014, 06:32:56 PM    
I'm working with "heavy" pictures. Do work that I want to do is to
"extract" the coordinates 
of some pixels.

Heavy means bigger than 1Mb. This is not that big but the software I'm developing keeps 
alerting me to stack size problems. Writing at the beginning of my program 
"stacksize("max")" doesn't solve the problem, so the solution that I
adopted was to divide 
the picture in four smaller pictures using imcrop.

Any other way of avoiding the "stack" problem?

Thank you. Best regards
Comment from Gan Gen -- October 10, 2014, 03:28:19 AM    
Good day.  I recently installed the IPDT 8.3.1-1 under Scilab 5.5.1.  Whenever I 
enter the ShowColorImage command, I get this message:

Warning !!!
Scilab has found a critical error (Unknown exception)
with "set" function.
Save your data and restart Scilab.
 ans  =
Handle of type "Figure" with properties:
children: "Axes"
figure_position = [200,200]
figure_size = [2608,2129]
axes_size = [2592,2003]
auto_resize = "on"
viewport = [0,0]
figure_name = "asdfadfadf"
figure_id = 0
info_message = ""
color_map = matrix 32x3
pixel_drawing_mode = "copy"
anti_aliasing = "off"
immediate_drawing = "on"
background =  -2
visible = "on"
rotation_style = "unary"
event_handler = ""
event_handler_enable = "off"
user_data = []
resizefcn = ""
closerequestfcn = ""
resize = "on"
toolbar = "figure"
toolbar_visible = "on"
menubar = "figure"
menubar_visible = "on"
infobar_visible = "on"
dockable = "on"
layout = "none"
layout_options = "OptNoLayout"
default_axes = "on"
icon = ""
tag = ""
Warning: stack problem..., cleared.

I hope you could help me out in rectifying this problem.  Thank you.
Comment from Harald Galda -- October 25, 2014, 09:22:28 PM    
It seems that the most recent version of the source contains third party libraries for
Linux and MacOS. I do not 
have access to a Linux machine, but I do have a computer with MacOS. Therefore, I suggest
that a MacOS 
package is created using atoms compilation chain so I can test the toolbox on MacOS.
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