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uman - User manual in console + advanced features (83938 downloads, updated April 29, 2023)
User manual in console + Advanced documentation features
3 comments - --> atomsInstall("uman")
Removed pages - documentation of removed functions (43147 downloads, updated April 2, 2023)
All pages of functions removed from Scilab 4.1.2 to 2023 gathered in a single place
--> atomsInstall("removed")
Pandoc (11194 downloads, updated April 21, 2020)
universal document converter accessible through a simple Scilab function
--> atomsInstall("pandoc")
xs2tikz (1149 downloads, updated April 15, 2019)
Scilab graphics to Tikz/LaTeX converter (eXport graphicS to TIKZ)
--> atomsInstall("xs2tikz")
slr (11777 downloads, updated July 13, 2018)
A set of miscalleneous tools for scilab
2 comments - --> atomsInstall("slr")