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Stixbox (66516 downloads, updated October 25, 2024)
Statistics toolbox
24 comments - --> atomsInstall("stixbox")
casci (15713 downloads, updated April 1, 2024)
178 functions for Probability and Statistics used at P. Castagliola's Lab
1 comment --> atomsInstall("casci")
Distfun (115119 downloads, updated November 17, 2023)
Distribution functions
30 comments --> atomsInstall("distfun")
CHE3007S data science utilities (3836 downloads, updated October 30, 2023)
Data science utility functions for CHE3007S data science module
--> atomsInstall("CHE3007S")
Free Access Chemometric Toolbox (125266 downloads, updated August 29, 2023)
a toolbox for chemometric applications, e.g. regressions, discriminant analysis, multiway analysis.
14 comments - --> atomsInstall("FACT")
GROCER (90712 downloads, updated April 17, 2023)
Comprehensive econometric toolbox
19 comments --> atomsInstall("grocer")
SampleSTAT (28600 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Toolbox for statistics of univariate normally distributed measured data
3 comments --> atomsInstall("ST_2019")
Orthogonal Polynomials (29555 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Orthogonal Polynomials (Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, and Legendre)
--> atomsInstall("Ortpol")
Scidoe (19060 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Design of experiments
15 comments - --> atomsInstall("scidoe")
ANN Toolbox (55726 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Artificial Neural Network toolbox
11 comments - --> atomsInstall("ANN_Toolbox")
Clustering Toolbox (21021 downloads, updated March 16, 2023)
This toolbox implements functions for clustering and for evaluating clustering algorithms.
6 comments --> atomsInstall("CLUSTER")
Scilab Wavelet Toolbox (112302 downloads, updated March 14, 2023)
mimic matlab wavelet toolbox
5 comments - --> atomsInstall("swt")
Create Formal Modeling System Synamic Project (3932 downloads, updated February 18, 2023)
Creating of projects of formal modeling of system dynamics
--> atomsInstall("create_formal_model_system_dynamic_proj")
asdasd (17 downloads, updated July 5, 2022)
1 comment --> atomsInstall("asd")
TEST' (39 downloads, updated July 5, 2022)
3 comments --> atomsInstall("test")
Monte Carlo Methods Modeling (4997 downloads, updated December 10, 2021)
Implements problem solving by Monte Carlo methods
--> atomsInstall("monte_carlo_methods_modeling")
IODataIntegration (55028 downloads, updated December 4, 2021)
Implementing the tabular data integration interface
2 comments - --> atomsInstall("io_data_integration")
Neural Network Module (37838 downloads, updated February 1, 2021)
This is a Scilab Neural Network Module which covers supervised and unsupervised training algorithms
14 comments - --> atomsInstall("neuralnetwork")
Dynpeak for Scilab-6 (5642 downloads, updated December 8, 2020)
Dynpeak is a Scilab toolbox for the detection of pulses in hormonal signals
--> atomsInstall("Dynpeak_2-1-0")
Scilab Deep Learning Toolbox (Keras) (4919 downloads, updated October 2, 2020)
A simple yet powerful toolbox for developing end-to-end deep learning solutions.
--> atomsInstall("keras-toolbox")
Scilab Graphviz Toolbox (819 downloads, updated September 5, 2020)
Scilab toolbox to call graphviz-graph visualization functions
--> atomsInstall("scilab-graphviz-toolbox")
Scilab-R-Toolbox (3683 downloads, updated August 20, 2020)
Toolbox that integrates R statistical functions with scilab
1 comment --> atomsInstall("SciR")
NaN-toolbox (67978 downloads, updated April 1, 2020)
A statistics and machine learning toolbox
10 comments --> atomsInstall("nan")
sciTorch Module (14039 downloads, updated November 16, 2019)
A Module for Machine and Deep Learning via Interfacing with libTorch for Scilab
--> atomsInstall("sciTorch")
libsvm and liblinear (67674 downloads, updated November 4, 2019)
Libraries for SVM and large-scale linear classification
3 comments --> atomsInstall("libsvm")
Text Analytics Toolbox (7561 downloads, updated August 19, 2019)
Analytics for unstructured text data
--> atomsInstall("text_analytics")
Lolimot (28952 downloads, updated December 10, 2018)
A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree
8 comments --> atomsInstall("lolimot")
rdataset (15470 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
a collection of 761 datasets that were originally distributed alongside R
--> atomsInstall("rdataset")
NIST Datasets (17218 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
NIST Statistical Reference Datasets
8 comments - --> atomsInstall("nistdataset")
Scilab Cardiovascular Wave Analysis toolbox. (24421 downloads, updated October 6, 2018)
Scilab Cardiovascular Wave Analysis toolbox.
3 comments --> atomsInstall("CWA")
Machine_Learning (869 downloads, updated July 3, 2018)
Machine learning features in Scilab
--> atomsInstall("machine_learning")
Dynpeak toolbox (15631 downloads, updated October 14, 2016)
Scilab toolbox for the detection of pulses in hormonal signals
--> atomsInstall("Dynpeak")
Microwave Toolbox (11112 downloads, updated July 20, 2016)
RF and Microwave Tools for Data Analysis
12 comments - --> atomsInstall("microwave")
Low Discrepancy Sequences (35081 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Provides Halton, Sobol and other sequences.
9 comments --> atomsInstall("lowdisc")
Statistical hypothesis testing (7688 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
This toolbox provides some functions for statistical tests.
--> atomsInstall("hypt")
Cardiovascular toolbox (11135 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Tools for analysis of cardivascular signals (time, frequency and time-frequency)
3 comments --> atomsInstall("Cardiovascular")
Huffman Coding Toolbox (16444 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
This small toolbox shows the principles of huffman coding.
--> atomsInstall("huffcomp")
Sciopustc (13430 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Opus Test Case Module
2 comments --> atomsInstall("sciopustc")
ICA/BSS Toolbox (7884 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Toolbox containing algorithms for independent component analysis and blind source seperation
--> atomsInstall("ica_toolbox")
ARfit toolbox (11956 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Multivariate Autoregressive Model Fitting
--> atomsInstall("arfit")
MonteSci (11826 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Monte Carlo simulator with GUI
3 comments --> atomsInstall("montesci")
Conint (6551 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Confidence intervals
2 comments --> atomsInstall("Conint")
Curve Fitters (curvefit) (2794 downloads, updated March 25, 2016)
To fit a given set of data points exponentially, linearly or to a polynomial.
--> atomsInstall("curvefit")
Regression tools (20945 downloads, updated January 6, 2016)
A toolbox for linear and non linear regression analysis
1 comment --> atomsInstall("regtools")
MVA (1637 downloads, updated October 22, 2015)
A collection of popular Multivariate Analysis Techniques
1 comment --> atomsInstall("MVA")
Integration Problems (11695 downloads, updated August 13, 2015)
Provides 23 functions for multidimensional integration.
3 comments --> atomsInstall("intprbs")
NISP (46430 downloads, updated July 15, 2014)
Non Intrusive Spectral Projection
18 comments --> atomsInstall("NISP")
libsvm-svdd (2231 downloads, updated February 20, 2014)
support vector data description
3 comments - --> atomsInstall("supportvectormachine")
Statpack (4444 downloads, updated March 16, 2013)
A collection of modules
1 comment --> atomsInstall("Statpack")
Mutual Information Toolbox (7153 downloads, updated October 3, 2012)
Mutual Information computation and minimum-redundancy maximum-relevance feature selection
--> atomsInstall("mi")
fitters (3312 downloads, updated July 5, 2011)
Polynomial and multiple linear regression
15 comments - --> atomsInstall("fitters")