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SIMM (126462 downloads, updated June 3, 2024)
SIMM - teaching sciences for the engineer with Xcos
20 comments - --> atomsInstall("SIMM")
Arduino (266795 downloads, updated October 11, 2023)
Arduino Communication through Serial
109 comments - --> atomsInstall("arduino")
Conway Game of Life (262 downloads, updated August 5, 2023)
A package of functions for the Conway's game of life
--> atomsInstall("game_of_life")
Psychrometrics (11 downloads, updated April 20, 2023)
A toolbox for air-water vapor psychrometrics
--> atomsInstall("psychrometrics")
Internal Fluid Flow Toolbox (115 downloads, updated April 5, 2023)
A toolbox for internal fluid flow
2 comments --> atomsInstall("inflowlib")
CPGE - Control systems for French preparatory classes (218573 downloads, updated March 25, 2023)
CPGE dedicated Xcos blocks
15 comments - --> atomsInstall("CPGE")
Scilab pour les lycées (71046 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Fonctions mathématiques (en français) correspondant au programme de mathématique des lycéens
2 comments --> atomsInstall("module_lycee")
XMLlab (10867 downloads, updated April 19, 2021)
XMLlab is a simulation authoring environment using XML and Scilab
--> atomsInstall("xmllab")
SCI_GSL (6751 downloads, updated August 21, 2020)
This toolbox provides the functionality of gnu scientific library (GSL) directly in SCILAB.
--> atomsInstall("GSL")
Scilib-GEO (14924 downloads, updated December 1, 2018)
A collection of functions for use in geodaesie and astronomie
16 comments - --> atomsInstall("scilib_geo")
English Dictionary (engdict) (19727 downloads, updated October 25, 2018)
Get in Scilab more than 176000 definitions for ~ 112000 distinct english words
1 comment - --> atomsInstall("engdict")
Knapsack (351 downloads, updated March 8, 2018)
0-1 Knapsack Problem
--> atomsInstall("knapsack")
Min-Max-Plus Algebra And Petrinet Toolbox (4067 downloads, updated January 25, 2017)
Collection of some theory and applications in Max Plus Algebra and Petrinet
--> atomsInstall("maxplus_petrinet")
Control Design Tool (20959 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Simple GUI for Control Design Using Root Locus
12 comments --> atomsInstall("RLDesign")
Rltool (17353 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
A GUI toolbox for designing SISO systems
7 comments - --> atomsInstall("rltool")
Sudoku (10288 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Solve sudoku puzzles
--> atomsInstall("sudoku")
EMTTOOL EMT TOOLBOX FOR SCILAB (10023 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
An electromagnetics toolbox for scilab
--> atomsInstall("EMTTOOL")
Financial (11721 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Module is about risk measure and management, asset allocation, and pricing
6 comments --> atomsInstall("Financial")
Network Topology Generator (13178 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
This module is dedicated to network topologies analysis.
5 comments - --> atomsInstall("NTG")
Scidemo (26524 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
A collection of demonstrations
--> atomsInstall("scidemo")
Floating Point Module (24209 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Functions to manage floating point numbers
2 comments --> atomsInstall("floatingpoint")
Scholar (2389 downloads, updated August 26, 2013)
English version of Lycee for high school Education
--> atomsInstall("Scholar_Lycee_in_English")
N-Queens (521 downloads, updated February 19, 2013)
Given an integer value for variable n, all possible n-queens solutions are generated.
--> atomsInstall("Nqueens")
ADS_CoLiSyS (3149 downloads, updated February 11, 2012)
GUI for the Analysis, Design, Simulation & Control of Linear Systems-Continuous/ Discrete Time
--> atomsInstall("ADS_CoLiSyS")
SIP - Scilab Image Processing Toolbox (7665 downloads, updated September 25, 2011)
Image loading, Image Processing, Computer Vision
12 comments - --> atomsInstall("SIP")