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ANN Toolbox (58738 downloads, updated March 22, 2023)
Artificial Neural Network toolbox
11 comments - --> atomsInstall("ANN_Toolbox")
Neural Network Module (41346 downloads, updated February 1, 2021)
This is a Scilab Neural Network Module which covers supervised and unsupervised training algorithms
14 comments - --> atomsInstall("neuralnetwork")
Scilab Deep Learning Toolbox (Keras) (6415 downloads, updated October 2, 2020)
A simple yet powerful toolbox for developing end-to-end deep learning solutions.
--> atomsInstall("keras-toolbox")
sciTorch Module (16799 downloads, updated November 16, 2019)
A Module for Machine and Deep Learning via Interfacing with libTorch for Scilab
--> atomsInstall("sciTorch")
Lolimot (30887 downloads, updated December 10, 2018)
A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree
8 comments --> atomsInstall("lolimot")