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Sci-IPOpt (70716 downloads, updated October 23, 2024)
A Non-linear Interior Point Optimization Solver
6 comments - --> atomsInstall("sci_ipopt")
Sunflower optimization algorithm (SFO) (213 downloads, updated August 27, 2019)
nature-inspired optmization algorithm for nonlinear unsconstrained optmization
--> atomsInstall("sunflower")
Computational Convex Analysis (10799 downloads, updated May 4, 2017)
Algorithms for manipulating and visualizing convex functions.
1 comment --> atomsInstall("CCA")
SciNLOpt (3945 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
An interface to the NLOpt optimization method
3 comments --> atomsInstall("scinlopt")