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Armadillo (410 downloads, updated August 26, 2020)
Integration of Armadillo Package to Scilab as Toolbox
--> atomsInstall("Arma_v1")
Quapro (57754 downloads, updated June 22, 2016)
Linear and Linear Quadratic Programming
2 comments --> atomsInstall("quapro")
SciLPSolve (3576 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
An interface to the LPSolve library for solving linear programs
--> atomsInstall("SciLPSolve")
SciGLPK (4671 downloads, updated October 12, 2012)
An interface to the GLPK library for solving linear programs
--> atomsInstall("SciGLPK")
Simplex optimization toolbox (17748 downloads, updated September 26, 2012)
This package contains the simplex optimization method
1 comment - --> atomsInstall("simplex")