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Segmented turning design (18289 downloads, updated November 19, 2024)
application for segmented turning design
--> atomsInstall("SegmentedTurningDesign")
CelestLabX (65704 downloads, updated November 13, 2024)
CNES Space Mechanics Toolbox for Mission Analysis (extension)
12 comments - --> atomsInstall("celestlabx")
CelestLab (121461 downloads, updated November 13, 2024)
CNES Space Mechanics Toolbox for Mission Analysis
59 comments - --> atomsInstall("celestlab")
Executing Task Sce (37137 downloads, updated March 18, 2022)
Administrate the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the cloud projects
--> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce")
DATCOM (1061 downloads, updated March 13, 2018)
United States Air Force Stability and Control Digital DATCOM
--> atomsInstall("datcom")
Aerospace Blockset (47243 downloads, updated September 16, 2014)
Aerospace Blockset for Xcos providing aerospace blocks based on CelestLab library.
5 comments - --> atomsInstall("aerospace_blockset")
Aerospace Toolbox (3094 downloads, updated April 30, 2010)
A toolbox for aerospace engineering
2 comments --> atomsInstall("aerospace-toolbox")