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ATOMS (AuTomatic mOdules Management for Scilab) is the repository for packaged extension modules ("Toolboxes").

To access and install toolboxes in Scilab, simply run:

--> atomsGui
or the --> atomsInstall(...) command for the toolbox. See the ATOMS page on the Scilab wiki for detailed instructions.

If you develop and publish ATOMS toolboxes, please also see the guideline to design toolboxes, on the Scilab wiki.

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All ATOMS Toolboxes

MinGw toolbox - Dynamic link with MinGW for Scilab on Windows
272411 downloads - 93 comments - --> atomsInstall("mingw")
Arduino - Arduino Communication through Serial
261307 downloads - 109 comments - --> atomsInstall("arduino")
Image Processing and Computer Vision Toolbox - A Module of Image Processing and Computer Vision Toolbox for Scilab 6.0
258134 downloads - 76 comments - --> atomsInstall("IPCV")
GUI Builder - A Graphic User Interface Builder
156641 downloads - 50 comments - --> atomsInstall("guibuilder")
iodelay toolbox - manipulation and frequency analysis of linear dynamical systems with input or output delays
147840 downloads - 3 comments - --> atomsInstall("iodelay")
Apifun - Check input arguments in macros
143322 downloads - 5 comments --> atomsInstall("apifun")
SIMM - SIMM - teaching sciences for the engineer with Xcos
124323 downloads - 20 comments - --> atomsInstall("SIMM")
Free Access Chemometric Toolbox - a toolbox for chemometric applications, e.g. regressions, discriminant analysis, multiway analysis.
121715 downloads - 14 comments - --> atomsInstall("FACT")
Time Frequency Toolbox - 162 functions to analyze non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions
118904 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("stftb")
CelestLab - CNES Space Mechanics Toolbox for Mission Analysis
115472 downloads - 59 comments - --> atomsInstall("celestlab")
Distfun - Distribution functions
112803 downloads - 30 comments --> atomsInstall("distfun")
Scilab Wavelet Toolbox - mimic matlab wavelet toolbox
109560 downloads - 5 comments - --> atomsInstall("swt")
Fuzzy Logic Toolbox - sciFLT is a Fuzzy Logic Toolbox for scilab
109402 downloads - 41 comments - --> atomsInstall("sciFLT")
Specfun - A collection of special mathematical functions
100639 downloads - 7 comments --> atomsInstall("specfun")
Serial Communication - Communication over a RS-232 Serial Port with Scilab on Windows and Linux
98327 downloads - 58 comments - --> atomsInstall("serial")
Helptbx - Update the help of a module automatically.
93519 downloads - 4 comments --> atomsInstall("helptbx")
Scilab Computer Vision Module - Interface to the Computer Vision library OpenCV
91388 downloads - 15 comments - --> atomsInstall("scicv")
GROCER - Comprehensive econometric toolbox
88296 downloads - 19 comments --> atomsInstall("grocer")
Linear Algebra - A collection of algorithms for linear algebra
72318 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("linalg")
uman - User manual in console + advanced features - User manual in console + Advanced documentation features
71454 downloads - 3 comments - --> atomsInstall("uman")
Sci-IPOpt - A Non-linear Interior Point Optimization Solver
67190 downloads - 6 comments - --> atomsInstall("sci_ipopt")
NaN-toolbox - A statistics and machine learning toolbox
66331 downloads - 10 comments --> atomsInstall("nan")
Stixbox - Statistics toolbox
65371 downloads - 24 comments - --> atomsInstall("stixbox")
Make Matrix - A collection of test matrices.
64611 downloads - 4 comments --> atomsInstall("makematrix")
xls link - xls_link (Automation link with Excel) an easy way to call Excel (TM) from Scilab
62039 downloads - 67 comments - --> atomsInstall("xls_link")
CelestLabX - CNES Space Mechanics Toolbox for Mission Analysis (extension)
59209 downloads - 12 comments - --> atomsInstall("celestlabx")
ANN Toolbox - Artificial Neural Network toolbox
54733 downloads - 11 comments - --> atomsInstall("ANN_Toolbox")
Mathieu functions toolbox - Solve Mathieu equations, calculate Mathieu functions
54515 downloads - 17 comments - --> atomsInstall("Mathieu")
Robotics Toolbox - A toolbox for the simulation of robotic manipulators
54102 downloads - 51 comments - --> atomsInstall("Robotics_Toolbox")
IODataIntegration - Implementing the tabular data integration interface
51449 downloads - 2 comments - --> atomsInstall("io_data_integration")
SciPowerLab - Toolbox for Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
46847 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("XCPL")
FOSSEE-Optimization-Toolbox - Collection of interfaces for open source optimization solvers.
44406 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("FOT")
QuickPlot - GUI-based 2D line plotting tool for quick data browsing
43505 downloads - 10 comments - --> atomsInstall("quickplot")
Socket - Basic socket functions for Scilab
40229 downloads - 17 comments - --> atomsInstall("socket_toolbox")
Computing Experiment - Implementation of a computational experiment based on xcos
40161 downloads --> atomsInstall("computing_experiment")
Empirical Mode Decomposition Toolbox - Toolbox for Empirical Mode Decomposition of 1-D, 2-D and more dimesional signals.
38435 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("emd_toolbox")
Neural Network Module - This is a Scilab Neural Network Module which covers supervised and unsupervised training algorithms
37040 downloads - 14 comments - --> atomsInstall("neuralnetwork")
WG Serial Xcos IO Block - Provides a generic Xcos block that allows to connect embedded hardware IOs to a Xcos simulation.
35509 downloads - 9 comments - --> atomsInstall("wgserialxcosio")
Toolbox Skeleton - Skeleton for new ATOMS packages
35273 downloads - 10 comments --> atomsInstall("toolbox_skeleton")
DataINT - Toolbox for INTERACTIVE reading and writing of csv- and xls-datafiles
35082 downloads --> atomsInstall("dataint")
Removed pages - documentation of removed functions - All pages of functions removed from Scilab 4.1.2 to 2023 gathered in a single place
35030 downloads --> atomsInstall("removed")
LSF_Toolbox - A GUI for one variable Least Square Fitting and Interpolation(similar to MATLAB curve fitting app)
33911 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("LSF_Toolbox")
Executing Task Sce Base - Calls the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational node from cloud project
32072 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_base")
plotplots - plots parcels of 2D data on some chosen intervals along a discontinuous or multiscaled axis
31733 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("plotplots")
scetoexe - Builds an executable script .exe from a Scilab script.sce (Windows only)
30788 downloads - 27 comments - --> atomsInstall("scetoexe")
Fmincon - Nonlinearily constrained multivariable optimization solver
29630 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("fmincon")
Matrix Market - Read and Write Matrix Market formatted files
29314 downloads - 4 comments - --> atomsInstall("MatrixMarket")
gui2bitmap - get a bitmap image of a graphical figure or interface, including its uicontrols, nay window borders
29122 downloads --> atomsInstall("gui2bitmap")
Executing Task Sce - Administrate the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the cloud projects
28910 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce")
Orthogonal Polynomials - Orthogonal Polynomials (Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, and Legendre)
28832 downloads --> atomsInstall("Ortpol")
Lolimot - A fast neural network - LOcal LInear MOdel Tree
28333 downloads - 8 comments --> atomsInstall("lolimot")
DACE for Scilab Kriging toolbox - This is a conversion of the well known DACE kriging toolbox for Matlab.
28319 downloads - 1 comment --> atomsInstall("dace_scilab")
SampleSTAT - Toolbox for statistics of univariate normally distributed measured data
27699 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("ST_2019")
CMD Using File Scilab - Provides a user interface for command line interface through message text files
25726 downloads --> atomsInstall("cmd_using_file_scilab")
25247 downloads - 13 comments --> atomsInstall("PSO")
Scilab IoT Module - This is an Internet of Things toolbox for Scilab.
24987 downloads --> atomsInstall("bytecode_iot_module")
Diffcode - Automatic differentiation
24237 downloads - 4 comments --> atomsInstall("diffcode")
Matlab/Octave Compatibility toolbox - This toolbox provides some functions for porting matlab/octave toolboxes to scilab
23943 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("moc_toolbox")
Manage Distributed Tasks - Manage the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the cloud projects
22624 downloads --> atomsInstall("manage_distributed_tasks")
Multiple Precision Arithmetic - Quadruple and octuple precision real arithmetic
22177 downloads - 5 comments --> atomsInstall("DD_QD")
Bioinformatics ToolBox from DCB - Basic fuctions for Bioinformatics anlaysis
19890 downloads - 3 comments - --> atomsInstall("BTD")
Manage Distributed Tasks Formal Modeling Cmd Cmd File - Manage the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the cloud projects for formal modeling
19886 downloads --> atomsInstall("manage_distrib_tasks_formal_model_ccf")
English Dictionary (engdict) - Get in Scilab more than 176000 definitions for ~ 112000 distinct english words
19366 downloads - 1 comment - --> atomsInstall("engdict")
sci-sundials - SUNDIALS ode solvers for Scilab
19199 downloads --> atomsInstall("sci_sundials")
Scidoe - Design of experiments
18721 downloads - 15 comments - --> atomsInstall("scidoe")
CEMEF-UTN - Finite Element Analysis Module for Truss Structures
18493 downloads - 4 comments - --> atomsInstall("CEMEF-UTN")
maple2scilab - Conversion of Scilab arrays into Maple instructions
18005 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("maple2scilab")
SciColpack - Scilab interface to CSCsw/ColPack
17951 downloads --> atomsInstall("scicolpack")
NIST Datasets - NIST Statistical Reference Datasets
16828 downloads - 8 comments - --> atomsInstall("nistdataset")
Non-equilibrim process - Standard Non-equilibrim process Blocks
16775 downloads --> atomsInstall("Non235Equilibrim678Therodynamics")
animated GIF creator - stand-alone creation of an animated GIF image from images files or from a live figure
15502 downloads - 1 comment - --> atomsInstall("animaGIF")
MPI Scilab - MPI interface package
15359 downloads --> atomsInstall("mpi_scilab")
casci - 178 functions for Probability and Statistics used at P. Castagliola's Lab
15288 downloads - 1 comment --> atomsInstall("casci")
rdataset - a collection of 761 datasets that were originally distributed alongside R
15130 downloads --> atomsInstall("rdataset")
xlreadwrite toolbox - read and write xls and xlsx files
14923 downloads - 6 comments - --> atomsInstall("xlreadwrite")
MPI File Scilab - Implements the Scilab console interface as text message files
14660 downloads --> atomsInstall("mpi_file_scilab")
Segmented turning design - application for segmented turning design
14401 downloads --> atomsInstall("SegmentedTurningDesign")
Scilab Communication Toolbox - A SCILAB toobox for Software Defined Radio (rf signal modulation / demodulation algorithms).
14307 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("comm_tbx")
Remote Exec - Implements remote command execution
13015 downloads --> atomsInstall("remote_exec")
Plotly - A modern plotting toolbox for Scilab, based on the open-source library
11775 downloads --> atomsInstall("plotly")
CMA-ES - An algorithm for difficult non-linear non-convex optimization problems.
11216 downloads --> atomsInstall("CMA-ES")
Projectile - A GUI for projectile motion
10289 downloads - 3 comments --> atomsInstall("projectile")
Executing Task Sce Administrate - Administrate the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the cloud projects
9485 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_administrate")
CMD File Scilab - Provides a command line interface through message text files
9030 downloads --> atomsInstall("cmd_file_scilab")
Pandoc - universal document converter accessible through a simple Scilab function
8021 downloads --> atomsInstall("pandoc")
odesolver - odesolver() creates a graphical user interface (GUI) for finding the solution an ODE with given initi
7225 downloads --> atomsInstall("odesolver")
Formal Modeling System Dynamic - Implements the tools for formal modeling of the dynamics of a user system
6777 downloads --> atomsInstall("formal_modeling_system_dynamic")
Rootfinder - A GUI for finding the roots of an equation using numerical methods
6765 downloads --> atomsInstall("RFG_Toolbox")
MPI File Scilab Base - Base implements the Scilab console interface as text message files
6511 downloads --> atomsInstall("mpi_file_scilab_base")
Functional Mock-Up Interface - Add some functionalities to use (import/export) FMU blocks inside Scilab/Xcos
6464 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("fmu_wrapper")
Solving custom tasks - Implements the solution of tasks set by the client over the network
6428 downloads --> atomsInstall("solving_custom_tasks")
Manage Distributed Tasks Formal Modeling - Manage the formal modeling solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the cloud projects
5968 downloads --> atomsInstall("manage_distrib_tasks_formal_modeling")
Executing Task Sce Base MPI - Calls frome mpi-socket the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational node fr
5899 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_base_mpi")
pendulumgui - A GUI for simulation of simple pendulum
5873 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("pendulumgui")
Manage Distributed Tasks Local Formal Modeling Cmd - Local manage the formal modeling solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the projects by cmd
5828 downloads --> atomsInstall("manage_dist_tasks_local_form_model_cmd")
Dynpeak for Scilab-6 - Dynpeak is a Scilab toolbox for the detection of pulses in hormonal signals
5367 downloads --> atomsInstall("Dynpeak_2-1-0")
plotdeploy - Deploy plot through a simple URL
5129 downloads --> atomsInstall("plotdeploy")
Guess a Number GUI - A GUI game where you have to guess a number from a list of numbers
4897 downloads --> atomsInstall("Guess_a_number_GUI")
Monte Carlo Methods Modeling - Implements problem solving by Monte Carlo methods
4687 downloads --> atomsInstall("monte_carlo_methods_modeling")
Scilab Deep Learning Toolbox (Keras) - A simple yet powerful toolbox for developing end-to-end deep learning solutions.
4649 downloads --> atomsInstall("keras-toolbox")
Executing Task Sce Attributes - Attributes of calls the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational node from
3968 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_attributes")
Create Formal Modeling System Synamic Project - Creating of projects of formal modeling of system dynamics
3660 downloads --> atomsInstall("create_formal_model_system_dynamic_proj")
Scilab-R-Toolbox - Toolbox that integrates R statistical functions with scilab
3431 downloads - 1 comment --> atomsInstall("SciR")
Executing Task Sce Base Local - Local functions for calls the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational node
3406 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_base_local")
Executing Task Sce Base Cmd File - Calls frome file as console the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational no
3199 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_base_cmd_file")
Executing Task Sce Attributes MPI - Help functions to calls frome mpi-socket the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the com
3175 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_attributes_mpi")
Executing Task Sce Base Cmd - Calls frome console the solution to the task posed in the .sce format on the computational node from
3170 downloads --> atomsInstall("executing_task_sce_base_cmd")
Indexed Names - Generating indexed names
3100 downloads --> atomsInstall("indexed_names")
Manage Distributed Tasks Local - Local manage the solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the projects
3071 downloads --> atomsInstall("manage_distributed_tasks_local")
Manage Distributed Tasks Local Formal Modeling - Local manage the formal modeling solution to the task posed in the .sce format in the projects
3060 downloads --> atomsInstall("manage_distrib_tasks_local_form_model")
CHE3007S data science utilities - Data science utility functions for CHE3007S data science module
3005 downloads --> atomsInstall("CHE3007S")
Generate Indexed Tasks - Generating indexed tasks
2962 downloads --> atomsInstall("generate_indexed_tasks")
Read a comment block embedding data - Read comment blocks of data embedded in the current script or in a given file
2336 downloads --> atomsInstall("read_datablock")
xs2tikz - Scilab graphics to Tikz/LaTeX converter (eXport graphicS to TIKZ)
979 downloads --> atomsInstall("xs2tikz")
Scilab AnimationToolbox - A toolbox that provides the funtionality to parse,view and simulate the animation files in Scilab.
838 downloads --> atomsInstall("SysSciAnimo")
Scithon - Scilab Python Toolbox - Toolbox that embeds Python in Scilab.
773 downloads --> atomsInstall("scithon")
Scilab Graphviz Toolbox - Scilab toolbox to call graphviz-graph visualization functions
732 downloads --> atomsInstall("scilab-graphviz-toolbox")
cserial toolbox - Serial port C MEX functions
396 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("cserial")
Armadillo - Integration of Armadillo Package to Scilab as Toolbox
285 downloads --> atomsInstall("Arma_v1")
Conway Game of Life - A package of functions for the Conway's game of life
227 downloads --> atomsInstall("game_of_life")
Internal Fluid Flow Toolbox - A toolbox for internal fluid flow
115 downloads - 2 comments --> atomsInstall("inflowlib")
Psychrometrics - A toolbox for air-water vapor psychrometrics
11 downloads --> atomsInstall("psychrometrics")